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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10924 T-17-4060 저자명 : C. S. Lai, Y. Y. Chen, P. S. Lee, N. Kalyanam, C. T. Ho, W. S. Liou, R. C. Yu and M. H. Pan 논문명 : Bisdemethoxycurcumin Inhibits Adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes and Suppresses Obesity in High-Fat Diet-Fed C57BL/6 Mice 2016
10923 T-17-4059 저자명 : Y. Kwon 논문명 : Association of curry consumption with blood lipids and glucose levels 2016
10922 T-17-4038 저자명 : B. Kulczynski and A. Gramza-Michalowska 논문명 : The importance of selected spices in cardiovascular diseases 2016
10921 T-17-4018 저자명 : J. H. Kim, O. K. Kim, H. G. Yoon, J. Park, Y. You, K. Kim, Y. H. Lee, K. C. Choi, J. Lee and W. Jun 논문명 : Anti-obesity effect of extract from fermented Curcuma longa L. through regulation of adipogenesis and lipolysis pathway in high-fat diet-induced obese rats 2016
10920 T-17-4015 저자명 : J. Kim, S. W. Jeong, H. Quan, C. W. Jeong, J. I. Choi and H. B. Bae 논문명 : Effect of curcumin (Curcuma longa extract) on LPS-induced acute lung injury is mediated by the activation of AMPK 2016
10919 T-17-4009 저자명 : A. Khonche, O. Biglarian, Y. Panahi, G. Valizadegan, S. S. Soflaei, M. E. Ghamarchehreh, M. Majeed and A. Sahebkar 논문명 : Adjunctive Therapy with Curcumin for Peptic Ulcer: a Randomized Controlled Trial 2016
10918 T-17-4008 저자명 : E. Kheradpezhouh, G. J. Barritt and G. Y. Rychkov 논문명 : Curcumin inhibits activation of TRPM2 channels in rat hepatocytes 2016
10917 T-17-4007 저자명 : D. K. Khatri and A. R. Juvekar 논문명 : Neuroprotective effect of curcumin as evinced by abrogation of rotenone-induced motor deficits, oxidative and mitochondrial dysfunctions in mouse model of Parkinson's disease 2016
10916 T-17-4003 저자명 : T. Khaliq, M. Sarfraz and M. A. Ashraf 논문명 : Recent Progress for the Utilization of Curcuma longa, Piper nigrum and Phoenix dactylifera Seeds against Type 2 Diabetes 2016
10915 T-17-3979 저자명 : H. Jin, N. Lian, F. Zhang, L. Chen, Q. Chen, C. Lu, M. Bian, J. Shao, L. Wu and S. Zheng 논문명 : Activation of PPARgamma/P53 signaling is required for curcumin to induce hepatic stellate cell senescence 2016