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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10964 T-17-4377 저자명 : A. K. Tyagi, S. Prasad, M. Majeed and B. B. Aggarwal 논문명 : Calebin A downregulates osteoclastogenesis through suppression of RANKL signalling 2016
10963 T-17-4365 저자명 : M. Teymouri, M. Pirro, T. P. Johnston and A. Sahebkar 논문명 : Curcumin as a multifaceted compound against human papilloma virus infection and cervical cancers: A review of chemistry, cellular, molecular, and preclinical features 2016
10962 T-17-4364 저자명 : S. Tejada, A. Manayi, M. Daglia, S. F. Nabavi, A. Sureda, Z. Hajheydari, O. Gortzi, H. Pazoki-Toroudi and S. M. Nabavi 논문명 : Wound Healing Effects of Curcumin: A Short Review 2016
10961 T-17-4363 저자명 : C. C. Teixeira, L. M. Mendonca, M. M. Bergamaschi, R. H. Queiroz, G. E. Souza, L. M. Antunes and L. A. Freitas 논문명 : Microparticles Containing Curcumin Solid Dispersion: Stability, Bioavailability and Anti-Inflammatory Activity 2016
10960 T-17-4349 저자명 : Y. P. Sun, J. F. Gu, X. B. Tan, C. F. Wang, X. B. Jia, L. Feng and J. P. Liu 논문명 : Curcumin inhibits advanced glycation end product-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in endothelial cell damage via trapping methylglyoxal 2016
10959 T-17-4339 저자명 : K. A. Stoyell, J. L. Mappus and M. A. Gandhi 논문명 : Clinical efficacy of turmeric use in gingivitis: A comprehensive review 2016
10958 T-17-4327 저자명 : W. Y. Song and J. H. Choi 논문명 : Korean Curcuma longa L. induces lipolysis and regulates leptin in adipocyte cells and rats 2016
10957 T-17-4294 저자명 : H. S. Shang, C. H. Chang, Y. R. Chou, M. Y. Yeh, M. K. Au, H. F. Lu, Y. L. Chu, H. M. Chou, H. C. Chou, Y. L. Shih and J. G. Chung 논문명 : Curcumin causes DNA damage and affects associated protein expression in HeLa human cervical cancer cells 2016
10956 T-17-4292 저자명 : M. Seyithanoglu, Y. Oner-Iyidogan, S. Dogru-Abbasoglu, S. Tanrikulu-Kucuk, H. Kocak, S. Beyhan-Ozdas and N. Kocak-Toker 논문명 : The effect of dietary curcumin and capsaicin on hepatic fetuin-A expression and fat accumulation in rats fed on a high-fat diet 2016
10955 T-17-4287 저자명 : A. Sarma, V. P. Sharma, A. B. Sarkar, M. C. Sekar, K. Samuel and M. E. Geusz 논문명 : The circadian clock modulates anti-cancer properties of curcumin 2016