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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10894 T-17-3831 저자명 : A. J. Akinyemi, G. R. Thome, V. M. Morsch, N. B. Bottari, J. Baldissarelli, L. S. de Oliveira, J. F. Goularte, A. Bello-Klein, G. Oboh and M. R. Schetinger 논문명 : Dietary Supplementation of Ginger and Turmeric Rhizomes Modulates Platelets Ectonucleotidase and Adenosine Deaminase Activities in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rats 2016
10893 T-17-3830 저자명 : A. J. Akinyemi, G. R. Thome, V. M. Morsch, N. B. Bottari, J. Baldissarelli, L. S. de Oliveira, J. F. Goularte, A. Bello-Klein, T. Duarte, M. Duarte, A. A. Boligon, M. L. Athayde, A. A. Akindahunsi, G. Oboh and M. R. Schetinger 논문명 : Effect of Ginger and Turmeric Rhizomes on Inflammatory Cytokines Levels and Enzyme Activities of Cholinergic and Purinergic Systems in Hypertensive Rats 2016
10892 T-17-3829 저자명 : A. J. Akinyemi, G. Oboh, A. O. Ademiluyi, A. A. Boligon and M. L. Athayde 논문명 : Effect of Two Ginger Varieties on Arginase Activity in Hypercholesterolemic Rats 2016
10891 T-17-3738 저자명 : Ritu M, Nandini J. 논문명 : Nutritional composition of Stevia rebaudiana, a sweet herb, and its hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic effect on patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. 2016
10890 T-17-3737 저자명 : L처pez V, P챕rez S, Vinuesa A, Zorzetto C, Abian O. 논문명 : Stevia rebaudiana ethanolic extract exerts better antioxidant properties and antiproliferative effects in tumour cells than its diterpene glycoside stevioside. 2016
10889 T-17-3736 저자명 : Assaei R, Mokarram P, Dastghaib S, Darbandi S, Darbandi M, Zal F, Akmali M, Ranjbar Omrani GH. 논문명 : Hypoglycemic Effect of Aquatic Extract of Stevia in Pancreas of Diabetic Rats: PPAR款-dependent Regulation or Antioxidant Potential. 2016
10888 T-17-3735 저자명 : Perumal V, Manickam T, Bang KS, Velmurugan P, Oh BT. 논문명 : Antidiabetic potential of bioactive molecules coated chitosan nanoparticles in experimental rats. 2016
10887 T-17-3734 저자명 : Aranda-Gonz찼lez I, Moguel-Ord처챰ez Y, Chel-Guerrero L, Segura-Campos M, Betancur-Ancona D. 논문명 : Evaluation of the Antihyperglycemic Effect of Minor Steviol Glycosides in Normoglycemic and Induced-Diabetic Wistar Rats. 2016
10886 T-17-3733 저자명 : Uyanikgil Y, Cavusoglu T, Balc캇oglu HA, Gurgul S, Solmaz V, Ozlece HK, Erten N, Erbas O. 논문명 : Rebaudioside A inhibits pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions in rats. 2016
10885 T-17-3731 저자명 : Magnuson BA, Carakostas MC, Moore NH, Poulos SP, Renwick AG. 논문명 : Biological fate of low-calorie sweeteners. 2016