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번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
54 T-14-1589 저자명 : Kubo M, Yano M, Matsuda H. 논문명 : [Pharmacological study on citrus fruits. I. Anti-allergic effect of fruit of Citrus unshiu Markovich (1)]. 1989
53 T-14-0598 저자명 : Miyamoto K, Kishi N, Murayama T, Furukawa T, Koshiura R. 논문명 : Induction of cytotoxicity of peritoneal exudate cells by agrimoniin, a novel immunomodulatory tannin of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. 1988
52 T-14-1493 저자명 : Shimizu N, Tomoda M. 논문명 : Constituents of the seed of Malva verticillata. I. Structural features of the major neutral polysaccharide. 1987
51 T-14-0600 저자명 : Hsu MF, Young JH, Wang JP, Teng CM. 논문명 : Effect of hsien-ho-t'sao (Agrimonia pilosa) on experimental thrombosis in mice. 1987
50 T-14-0599 저자명 : Miyamoto K, Kishi N, Koshiura R. 논문명 : Antitumor effect of agrimoniin, a tannin of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb., on transplantable rodent tumors. 1987
49 T-14-1522 저자명 : Neucere JN, Godshall MA, Roberts EJ. 논문명 : Hemolytic activity in crude polysaccharide extracted from grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. 1986
48 T-14-0602 저자명 : Wang JP, Hsu MF, Teng CM. 논문명 : Antiplatelet effect of hsien-ho-t'sao (Agrimonia pilosa). 1985
47 T-14-0601 저자명 : Koshiura R, Miyamoto K, Ikeya Y, Taguchi H. 논문명 : Antitumor activity of methanol extract from roots of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. 1985
46 T-14-0603 저자명 : Wang JP, Hsu MF, Teng CM. 논문명 : Antihemostatic effect of Hsien-Ho-T'sao (Agrimonia pilosa). 1984
45 T-14-1590 저자명 : Kozawa M, Morita N, Baba K, Hata K. 논문명 : [Chemical components of the roots of Angelica keiskei Koidzumi. III. The structure of a new dihydrofurocoumarin (author's transl)]. 1978