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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
74 T-17-0906 저자명 : Kameyama T, Ohhara T, Nakashima Y, Naito Y, Huang MZ, Watanabe S, Kobayashi T, Okuyama H, Yamada K, Nabeshima T. 논문명 : Effects of dietary vegetable oils on behavior and drug responses in mice. 1996
73 T-17-0905 저자명 : Okaniwa Y, Yuasa S, Yamamoto N, Watanabe S, Kobayashi T, Okuyama H, Nomura M, Nagata Y. 논문명 : A high linoleate and a high alpha-linolenate diet induced changes in learning behavior of rats. Effects of a shift in diets and reversal of training stimuli. 1996
72 T-17-0904 저자명 : Huang MZ, Naito Y, Watanabe S, Kobayashi T, Kanai H, Nagai H, Okuyama H. 논문명 : Effect of rapeseed and dietary oils on the mean survival time of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. 1996
71 T-17-0903 저자명 : Onogi N, Okuno M, Komaki C, Moriwaki H, Kawamori T, Tanaka T, Mori H, Muto Y. 논문명 : Suppressing effect of perilla oil on azoxymethane-induced foci of colonic aberrant crypts in rats. 1996
70 T-17-0902 저자명 : Komaki C, Okuno M, Onogi N, Moriwaki H, Kawamori T, Tanaka T, Mori H, Muto Y. 논문명 : Synergistic suppression of azoxymethane-induced foci of colonic aberrant crypts by the combination of beta-carotene and perilla oil in rats. 1996
69 T-17-0901 저자명 : Kabir Y, Ide T. 논문명 : Activity of hepatic fatty acid oxidation enzymes in rats fed alpha-linolenic acid. 1996
68 T-17-0900 저자명 : Ikemoto S, Takahashi M, Tsunoda N, Maruyama K, Itakura H, Ezaki O. 논문명 : High-fat diet-induced hyperglycemia and obesity in mice: differential effects of dietary oils. 1996
67 T-17-0704 저자명 : Surh YJ, Lee SS. 논문명 : Capsaicin in hot chili pepper: carcinogen, co-carcinogen or anticarcinogen? 1996
66 T-17-0703 저자명 : Barna J, Simon G. 논문명 : Unchanged intestinal absorption in rats fed a high sweet paprika-containing diet. 1996
65 T-17-0702 저자명 : Matsuo T, Yoshioka M, Suzuki M. 논문명 : Capsaicin in diet does not affect glycogen contents in the liver and skeletal muscle of rats before and after exercise. 1996