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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
84 T-17-1870 저자명 : Verhoeven DT, Goldbohm RA, van Poppel G, Verhagen H, van den Brandt PA. 논문명 : Epidemiological studies on brassica vegetables and cancer risk. 1996
83 T-17-1836 저자명 : Lin RC, Guthrie S, Xie CY, Mai K, Lee DY, Lumeng L, Li TK. 논문명 : Isoflavonoid compounds extracted from Pueraria lobata suppress alcohol preference in a pharmacogenetic rat model of alcoholism. 1996
82 T-17-1824 저자명 : Roberfroid MB. 논문명 : Functional effects of food components and the gastrointestinal system: chicory fructooligosaccharides. 1996
81 T-17-1347 저자명 : Ahmad A, Davies J, Randall S, Skinner GR. 논문명 : Antiviral properties of extract of Opuntia streptacantha. 1996
80 T-17-1346 저자명 : Trejo-Gonz찼lez A, Gabriel-Ortiz G, Puebla-P챕rez AM, Hu챠zar-Contreras MD, Mungu챠a-Mazariegos MR, Mej챠a-Arregu챠n S, Calva E. 논문명 : A purified extract from prickly pear cactus (Opuntia fuliginosa) controls experimentally induced diabetes in rats. 1996
79 T-17-1211 저자명 : Araghiniknam M, Chung S, Nelson-White T, Eskelson C, Watson RR. 논문명 : Antioxidant activity of dioscorea and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in older humans. 1996
78 T-17-0910 저자명 : Sadi AM, Toda T, Oku H, Hokama S. 논문명 : Dietary effects of corn oil, oleic acid, perilla oil, and evening [corrected] primrose oil on plasma and hepatic lipid level and atherosclerosis in Japanese quail. 1996
77 T-17-0909 저자명 : Inui K, Fukuta Y, Ikeda A, Kameda H, Kokuba Y, Sato M. 논문명 : The effect of alpha-linolenic acid-rich emulsion on fatty acid metabolism and leukotriene generation of the colon in a rat model with inflammatory bowel disease. 1996
76 T-17-0908 저자명 : Inui K, Fukuta Y, Ikeda A, Kameda H, Kokuba Y, Sato M. 논문명 : The nutritional effect of a-linolenic acid-rich emulsion with total parenteral nutrition in a rat model with inflammatory bowel disease. 1996
75 T-17-0907 저자명 : Ide T, Murata M, Sugano M. 논문명 : Stimulation of the activities of hepatic fatty acid oxidation enzymes by dietary fat rich in alpha-linolenic acid in rats. 1996