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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
264 T-17-0885 저자명 : Yasuda S, Watanabe S, Kobayashi T, Okuyama H. 논문명 : Effects of dietary unsaturated fatty acid and chronic carbon tetrachloride treatment on the accumulation of oxidation products, alpha-tocopherol and liver injury in mice. 1998
263 T-17-0884 저자명 : Gu JY, Wakizono Y, Dohi A, Nonaka M, Sugano M, Yamada K. 논문명 : Effect of dietary fats and sesamin on the lipid metabolism and immune function of Sprague-Dawley rats. 1998
262 T-17-0883 저자명 : Sato A, Huang MZ, Watanabe S, Okuyama H, Nakamoto H, Rad찼k Z, Goto S. 논문명 : Protein carbonyl content roughly reflects the unsaturation of lipids in muscle but not in other tissues of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive strain (SHRSP) rats fed different fats and oils. 1998
261 T-17-0882 저자명 : Matsuba S, Itoh M, Joh T, Takeyama H, Dohi N, Watanabe S, Okuyama H. 논문명 : Effect of dietary linoleate/alpha-linolenate balance on experimentally induced gastric injury in rats. 1998
260 T-17-0881 저자명 : Ihara M, Umekawa H, Takahashi T, Furuichi Y. 논문명 : Comparative effects of short- and long-term feeding of safflower oil and perilla oil on lipid metabolism in rats. 1998
259 T-17-0694 저자명 : Nalini N, Sabitha K, Viswanathan P, Menon VP. 논문명 : Influence of spices on the bacterial (enzyme) activity in experimental colon cancer. 1998
258 T-17-0693 저자명 : Sielezneff I, Antoine K, L챕cuyer J, Saisse J, Thirion X, Sarles JC, Sastre B. 논문명 : [Is there a correlation between dietary habits and hemorrhoidal disease?]. 1998
257 T-17-0692 저자명 : Vega de la Osada F, Esteve Krauel P, Alonso Lebrero E, Ib찼챰ez Sand챠n MD, Mu챰oz Mart챠nez MC, Laso Borrego MT. 논문명 : [Sensitization to paprika: anaphylaxis after intake and rhinoconjunctivitis after contact through airways]. 1998
256 T-17-0691 저자명 : Park KK, Chun KS, Yook JI, Surh YJ. 논문명 : Lack of tumor promoting activity of capsaicin, a principal pungent ingredient of red pepper, in mouse skin carcinogenesis. 1998
255 T-17-0690 저자명 : Hoeger WW, Harris C, Long EM, Hopkins DR. 논문명 : Four-week supplementation with a natural dietary compound produces favorable changes in body composition. 1998