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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
294 T-17-3452 저자명 : Iseki K, Ishikawa H, Suzuki T, Murakami T, Otani T, Ishiguro S. 논문명 : Melanosis coli associated with ingestion of bamboo leaf extract. 1998
293 T-17-3451 저자명 : Tsunoda S, Yamamoto K, Sakamoto S, Inoue H, Nagasawa H. 논문명 : Effects of Sasa Health, extract of bamboo grass leaves, on spontaneous mammary tumourigenesis in SHN mice. 1998
292 T-17-3450 저자명 : Ding YQ, Li Y, Chen CY, Elmahadi EA, Xu HB. 논문명 : Chromatographic analysis of polysaccharides extracted from Chinese Indocalamus tesselatus. 1998
291 T-17-3051 저자명 : Lin CC, Yen MH, Lo TS, Lin JM. 논문명 : Evaluation of the hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Boehmeria nivea var. nivea and B. nivea var. tenacissima. 1998
290 T-17-3036 저자명 : Allen PC, Danforth HD, Augustine PC. 논문명 : Dietary modulation of avian coccidiosis. 1998
289 T-17-2799 저자명 : Yim TK, Wu WK, Mak DH, Ko KM. 논문명 : Myocardial protective effect of an anthraquinone-containing extract of Polygonum multiflorum ex vivo. 1998
288 T-17-2394 저자명 : Jun CD, Pae HO, Kim YC, Jeong SJ, Yoo JC, Lee EJ, Choi BM, Chae SW, Park RK, Chung HT. 논문명 : Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis by butanol fraction of the methanol extract of Ulmus davidiana in murine macrophages. 1998
287 T-17-2323 저자명 : Shiraki K, Yukawa T, Kurokawa M, Kageyama S. 논문명 : [Cytomegalovirus infection and its possible treatment with herbal medicines]. 1998
286 T-17-2322 저자명 : Kanai S, Okano H. 논문명 : Mechanism of the protective effects of sumac gall extract and gallic acid on the progression of CCl4-induced acute liver injury in rats. 1998
285 T-17-2253 저자명 : Leitner A, Jensen-Jarolim E, Grimm R, W체thrich B, Ebner H, Scheiner O, Kraft D, Ebner C. 논문명 : Allergens in pepper and paprika. Immunologic investigation of the celery-birch-mugwort-spice syndrome. 1998