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번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1014 T-17-2213 저자명 : Rosa A, Deiana M, Casu V, Paccagnini S, Appendino G, Ballero M, Dess챠 MA. 논문명 : Antioxidant activity of capsinoids. 2002
1013 T-17-2212 저자명 : Abeywardena M, Runnie I, Nizar M, Suhaila M, Head R; Suhaila Momamed.. 논문명 : Polyphenol-enriched extract of oil palm fronds (Elaeis guineensis) promotes vascular relaxation via endothelium-dependent mechanisms. 2002
1012 T-17-1909 저자명 : Kim HW, Murakami A, Nakamura Y, Ohigashi H. 논문명 : Screening of edible Japanese plants for suppressive effects on phorbol ester-induced superoxide generation in differentiated HL-60 cells and AS52 cells. 2002
1011 T-17-1889 저자명 : Ho HM, Chen R, Huang Y, Chen ZY. 논문명 : Vascular effects of a soy leaves (Glycine max) extract and kaempferol glycosides in isolated rat carotid arteries. 2002
1010 T-17-1810 저자명 : Chow J. 논문명 : Probiotics and prebiotics: A brief overview. 2002
1009 T-17-1809 저자명 : Pool-Zobel B, van Loo J, Rowland I, Roberfroid MB. 논문명 : Experimental evidences on the potential of prebiotic fructans to reduce the risk of colon cancer. 2002
1008 T-17-1808 저자명 : Kim JH, Mun YJ, Woo WH, Jeon KS, An NH, Park JS. 논문명 : Effects of the ethanol extract of Cichorium intybus on the immunotoxicity by ethanol in mice. 2002
1007 T-17-1807 저자명 : Papetti A, Daglia M, Gazzani G. 논문명 : Anti- and pro-oxidant water soluble activity of Cichorium genus vegetables and effect of thermal treatment. 2002
1006 T-17-1806 저자명 : Papetti A, Daglia M, Gazzani G. 논문명 : Anti- and pro-oxidant activity of water soluble compounds in Cichorium intybus var. silvestre (Treviso red chicory). 2002
1005 T-17-1805 저자명 : Kaur N, Gupta AK. 논문명 : Applications of inulin and oligofructose in health and nutrition. 2002