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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1054 T-17-4958 저자명 : Rabin BM, Shukitt-Hale B, Szprengiel A, Joseph JA. 논문명 : Effects of heavy particle irradiation and diet on amphetamine- and lithium chloride-induced taste avoidance learning in rats. 2002
1053 T-17-4957 저자명 : Roy S, Khanna S, Alessio HM, Vider J, Bagchi D, Bagchi M, Sen CK. 논문명 : Anti-angiogenic property of edible berries. 2002
1052 T-17-4956 저자명 : Mazza G, Kay CD, Cottrell T, Holub BJ. 논문명 : Absorption of anthocyanins from blueberries and serum antioxidant status in human subjects. 2002
1051 T-17-4955 저자명 : Sweeney MI, Kalt W, MacKinnon SL, Ashby J, Gottschall-Pass KT. 논문명 : Feeding rats diets enriched in lowbush blueberries for six weeks decreases ischemia-induced brain damage. 2002
1050 T-17-4621 저자명 : Yoshikawa M, Murakami T, Ishiwada T, Morikawa T, Kagawa M, Higashi Y, Matsuda H. 논문명 : New flavonol oligoglycosides and polyacylated sucroses with inhibitory effects on aldose reductase and platelet aggregation from the flowers of Prunus mume. 2002
1049 T-17-4620 저자명 : Utsunomiya H, Takekoshi S, Gato N, Utatsu H, Motley ED, Eguchi K, Fitzgerald TG, Mifune M, Frank GD, Eguchi S. 논문명 : Fruit-juice concentrate of Asian plum inhibits growth signals of vascular smooth muscle cells induced by angiotensin II. 2002
1048 T-17-4534 저자명 : Brouwer MA, van den Bergh PJ, Aengevaeren WR, Veen G, Luijten HE, Hertzberger DP, van Boven AJ, Vromans RP, Uijen GJ, Verheugt FW. 논문명 : Aspirin plus coumarin versus aspirin alone in the prevention of reocclusion after fibrinolysis for acute myocardial infarction: results of the Antithrombotics in the Prevention of Reocclusion In Coronary Thrombolysis (APRICOT)-2 Trial. 2002
1047 T-17-4324 저자명 : S. Somasundaram, N. A. Edmund, D. T. Moore, G. W. Small, Y. Y. Shi and R. Z. Orlowski 논문명 : Dietary curcumin inhibits chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in models of human breast cancer 2002
1046 T-17-4219 저자명 : K. Piwocka, A. Bielak-Mijewska and E. Sikora 논문명 : Curcumin induces caspase-3-independent apoptosis in human multidrug-resistant cells 2002
1045 T-17-4214 저자명 : S. Perkins, R. D. Verschoyle, K. Hill, I. Parveen, M. D. Threadgill, R. A. Sharma, M. L. Williams, W. P. Steward and A. J. Gescher 논문명 : Chemopreventive efficacy and pharmacokinetics of curcumin in the min/+ mouse, a model of familial adenomatous polyposis 2002