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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1024 T-17-2516 저자명 : Hsieh TC, Lu X, Guo J, Xiong W, Kunicki J, Darzynkiewicz Z, Wu JM. 논문명 : Effects of herbal preparation Equiguard on hormone-responsive and hormone-refractory prostate carcinoma cells: mechanistic studies. 2002
1023 T-17-2359 저자명 : Liu J, Chen T, Yu B, Xu Q. 논문명 : Ruscogenin glycoside (Lm-3) isolated from Liriope muscari inhibits lymphocyte adhesion to extracellular matrix. 2002
1022 T-17-2221 저자명 : Racchi M, Daglia M, Lanni C, Papetti A, Govoni S, Gazzani G. 논문명 : Antiradical activity of water soluble components in common diet vegetables. 2002
1021 T-17-2220 저자명 : Marques S, Oliveira NG, Chaveca T, Rueff J. 논문명 : Micronuclei and sister chromatid exchanges induced by capsaicin in human lymphocytes. 2002
1020 T-17-2219 저자명 : Surh YJ. 논문명 : Anti-tumor promoting potential of selected spice ingredients with antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities: a short review. 2002
1019 T-17-2218 저자명 : Sancho R, Lucena C, Macho A, Calzado MA, Blanco-Molina M, Minassi A, Appendino G, Mu챰oz E. 논문명 : Immunosuppressive activity of capsaicinoids: capsiate derived from sweet peppers inhibits NF-kappaB activation and is a potent antiinflammatory compound in vivo. 2002
1018 T-17-2217 저자명 : Breithaupt DE, Bamedi A, Wirt U. 논문명 : Carotenol fatty acid esters: easy substrates for digestive enzymes? 2002
1017 T-17-2216 저자명 : Gupta RS, Dixit VP, Dobhal MP. 논문명 : Hypocholesterolaemic effect of the oleoresin of Capsicum annum L. in gerbils (Meriones hurrianae Jerdon). 2002
1016 T-17-2215 저자명 : Pandey M, Shukla VK. 논문명 : Diet and gallbladder cancer: a case-control study. 2002
1015 T-17-2214 저자명 : Chu YF, Sun J, Wu X, Liu RH. 논문명 : Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of common vegetables. 2002