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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1254 T-17-1327 저자명 : Alarcon-Aguilar FJ, Valdes-Arzate A, Xolalpa-Molina S, Banderas-Dorantes T, Jimenez-Estrada M, Hernandez-Galicia E, Roman-Ramos R. 논문명 : Hypoglycemic activity of two polysaccharides isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica and O. streptacantha. 2003
1253 T-17-1198 저자명 : Mbanya JC, Mfopou JK, Sobngwi E, Mbanya DN, Ngogang JY; Cameroon Study.. 논문명 : Metabolic and hormonal effects of five common African diets eaten as mixed meals: the Cameroon Study. 2003
1252 T-17-1195 저자명 : Hu K, Yao X. 논문명 : The cytotoxicity of methyl protoneogracillin (NSC-698793) and gracillin (NSC-698787), two steroidal saponins from the rhizomes of Dioscorea collettii var. hypoglauca, against human cancer cells in vitro. 2003
1251 T-17-1194 저자명 : Chen H, Wang C, Chang C-, Wang T. 논문명 : Effects of Taiwanese yam (Dioscorea japonica Thunb var. pseudojaponica Yamamoto) on upper gut function and lipid metabolism in Balb/c mice. 2003
1250 T-17-1193 저자명 : Zhao L, Chen S, Brinton RD. 논문명 : An estrogen replacement therapy containing nine synthetic plant-based conjugated estrogens promotes neuronal survival. 2003
1249 T-17-1192 저자명 : Hu K, Yao X. 논문명 : The cytotoxicity of methyl protodioscin against human cancer cell lines in vitro. 2003
1248 T-17-1191 저자명 : Kwon CS, Sohn HY, Kim SH, Kim JH, Son KH, Lee JS, Lim JK, Kim JS. 논문명 : Anti-obesity effect of Dioscorea nipponica Makino with lipase-inhibitory activity in rodents. 2003
1247 T-17-1190 저자명 : Wang SL, Cai B, Cui CB, Liu HW, Wu CF, Yao XS. 논문명 : [Apoptosis of human chronic myeloid leukemia k562 cell induced by prosapogenin B of dioscin (P.B) in vitro]. 2003
1246 T-17-1189 저자명 : Liang R, Chen MR, Xu X. 논문명 : [Effect of dandi tablet on blood lipids and sex hormones in women of postmenopausal stage]. 2003
1245 T-17-1188 저자명 : Li S, Lu AP, Wang YY, Li YD. 논문명 : Suppressive effects of a Chinese herbal medicine qing-luo-yin extract on the angiogenesis of collagen-induced arthritis in rats. 2003