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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1274 T-17-2202 저자명 : Jensen PG, Curtis PD, Dunn JA, Austic RE, Richmond ME. 논문명 : Field evaluation of capsaicin as a rodent aversion agent for poultry feed. 2003
1273 T-17-2201 저자명 : Medvedeva NV, Andreenkov VA, Morozkin AD, Sergeeva EA, Prokof'ev IuI, Misharin AIu. 논문명 : [Inhibition of oxidation of human blood low density lipoproteins by carotenoids from paprika]. 2003
1272 T-17-2200 저자명 : Chaiyata P, Puttadechakum S, Komindr S. 논문명 : Effect of chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens) ingestion on plasma glucose response and metabolic rate in Thai women. 2003
1271 T-17-2199 저자명 : Mateos RM, Le처n AM, Sandalio LM, G처mez M, del R챠o LA, Palma JM. 논문명 : Peroxisomes from pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum L.): purification, characterisation and antioxidant activity. 2003
1270 T-17-1962 저자명 : Campanella L, Bonanni A, Favero G, Tomassetti M. 논문명 : Determination of antioxidant properties of aromatic herbs, olives and fresh fruit using an enzymatic sensor. 2003
1269 T-17-1961 저자명 : Yanarda휓 R, Bolkent S, Tabako휓lu-O휓uz A, Ozsoy-Sa챌an O. 논문명 : Effects of Petroselinum crispum extract on pancreatic B cells and blood glucose of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. 2003
1268 T-17-1960 저자명 : Al-Howiriny T, Al-Sohaibani M, El-Tahir K, Rafatullah S. 논문명 : Prevention of experimentally-induced gastric ulcers in rats by an ethanolic extract of "Parsley" Petroselinum crispum. 2003
1267 T-17-1834 저자명 : Xue XO, Jin H, Niu JZ, Wang JF. 논문명 : [Effects of extracts of root of kudzu vine on mammary gland and uterus development in rats]. 2003
1266 T-17-1804 저자명 : Petlevski R, Hadzija M, Slijepcevi훶 M, Jureti훶 D, Petrik J. 논문명 : Glutathione S-transferases and malondialdehyde in the liver of NOD mice on short-term treatment with plant mixture extract P-9801091. 2003
1265 T-17-1803 저자명 : Ahmed B, Al-Howiriny TA, Siddiqui AB. 논문명 : Antihepatotoxic activity of seeds of Cichorium intybus. 2003