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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1264 T-17-1802 저자명 : Sakurai N, Iizuka T, Nakayama S, Funayama H, Noguchi M, Nagai M. 논문명 : [Vasorelaxant activity of caffeic acid derivatives from Cichorium intybus and Equisetum arvense]. 2003
1263 T-17-1693 저자명 : Makino T, Ono T, Matsuyama K, Nogaki F, Miyawaki S, Honda G, Muso E. 논문명 : Suppressive effects of Perilla frutescens on IgA nephropathy in HIGA mice. 2003
1262 T-17-1613 저자명 : Cho EJ, Yokozawa T, Rhyu DY, Kim HY, Shibahara N, Park JC. 논문명 : The inhibitory effects of 12 medicinal plants and their component compounds on lipid peroxidation. 2003
1261 T-17-1554 저자명 : Miyoshi N, Nakamura Y, Ueda Y, Abe M, Ozawa Y, Uchida K, Osawa T. 논문명 : Dietary ginger constituents, galanals A and B, are potent apoptosis inducers in Human T lymphoma Jurkat cells. 2003
1260 T-17-1549 저자명 : Valentova K, Cvak L, Muck A, Ulrichova J, Simanek V. 논문명 : Antioxidant activity of extracts from the leaves of Smallanthus sonchifolius. 2003
1259 T-17-1332 저자명 : Laurenz JC, Collier CC, Kuti JO. 논문명 : Hypoglycaemic effect of Opuntia lindheimeri Englem in a diabetic pig model. 2003
1258 T-17-1331 저자명 : Dok-Go H, Lee KH, Kim HJ, Lee EH, Lee J, Song YS, Lee YH, Jin C, Lee YS, Cho J. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effects of antioxidative flavonoids, quercetin, (+)-dihydroquercetin and quercetin 3-methyl ether, isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten. 2003
1257 T-17-1330 저자명 : Wolfram R, Budinsky A, Efthimiou Y, Stomatopoulos J, Oguogho A, Sinzinger H. 논문명 : Daily prickly pear consumption improves platelet function. 2003
1256 T-17-1329 저자명 : Galati EM, Mondello MR, Giuffrida D, Dugo G, Miceli N, Pergolizzi S, Taviano MF. 논문명 : Chemical characterization and biological effects of Sicilian Opuntia ficus indica (L.) mill. Fruit juice: antioxidant and antiulcerogenic activity. 2003
1255 T-17-1328 저자명 : Palumbo B, Efthimiou Y, Stamatopoulos J, Oguogho A, Budinsky A, Palumbo R, Sinzinger H. 논문명 : Prickly pear induces upregulation of liver LDL binding in familial heterozygous hypercholesterolemia. 2003