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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1784 T-19-0549 저자명 : A. N. Grechkin and M. Hamberg 논문명 : The "heterolytic hydroperoxide lyase" is an isomerase producing a short-lived fatty acid hemiacetal 2004
1783 T-19-0496 저자명 : H. Y. Huang, C. K. Chang, T. K. Tso, J. J. Huang, W. W. Chang and Y. C. Tsai 논문명 : Antioxidant activities of various fruits and vegetables produced in Taiwan 2004
1782 T-19-0438 저자명 : M. Garg, C. Garg, P. K. Mukherjee and B. Suresh 논문명 : Antioxidant potential of Lactuca sativa 2004
1781 T-19-0435 저자명 : M. Sayyah, N. Hadidi and M. Kamalinejad 논문명 : Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of Lactuca sativa seed extract in rats 2004
1780 T-19-0357 저자명 : S. Valcheva-Kuzmanova, P. Borisova, B. Galunska, I. Krasnaliev and A. Belcheva 논문명 : Hepatoprotective effect of the natural fruit juice from Aronia melanocarpa on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver damage in rats 2004
1779 T-19-0337 저자명 : M. Matsumoto, H. Hara, H. Chiji and T. Kasai 논문명 : Gastroprotective effect of red pigments in black chokeberry fruit (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot) on acute gastric hemorrhagic lesions in rats 2004
1778 T-19-0288 저자명 : S. Gorinstein, A. Caspi, I. Libman, E. Katrich, H. T. Lerner and S. Trakhtenberg 논문명 : Preventive effects of diets supplemented with sweetie fruits in hypercholesterolemic patients suffering from coronary artery disease 2004
1777 T-19-0284 저자명 : S. Gorinstein, A. Caspi, I. Libman, E. Katrich, H. T. Lerner and S. Trakhtenberg 논문명 : Preventive effects of diets supplemented with sweetie fruits in hypercholesterolemic patients suffering from coronary artery disease 2004
1776 T-19-0214 저자명 : C. Berti, P. Riso, L. D. Monti and M. Porrini 논문명 : In vitro starch digestibility and in vivo glucose response of gluten-free foods and their gluten counterparts 2004
1775 T-19-0095 저자명 : G. D. Coronado, B. Thompson, S. Tejeda and R. Godina 논문명 : Attitudes and beliefs among Mexican Americans about type 2 diabetes 2004