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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2214 T-14-0473 저자명 : Asnani V, Verma RJ. 논문명 : Aqueous ginger extract ameliorates paraben induced cytotoxicity. 2006
2213 T-14-0167 저자명 : Al-Qattan KK, Thomson M, Al-Mutawa'a S, Al-Hajeri D, Drobiova H, Ali M. 논문명 : Nitric oxide mediates the blood-pressure lowering effect of garlic in the rat two-kidney, one-clip model of hypertension. 2006
2212 T-14-0166 저자명 : Gamboa-Le처n R, Paraguai de Souza E, Borja-Cabrera GP, Santos FN, Myashiro LM, Pinheiro RO, Dumonteil E, Palatnik-de-Sousa CB. 논문명 : Immunotherapy against visceral leishmaniasis with the nucleoside hydrolase-DNA vaccine of Leishmania donovani. 2006
2211 T-14-0165 저자명 : Stajner D, Mili훶 N, Canadanovi훶-Brunet J, Kapor A, Stajner M, Popovi훶 BM. 논문명 : Exploring Allium species as a source of potential medicinal agents. 2006
2210 T-14-0164 저자명 : Eidi A, Eidi M, Esmaeili E. 논문명 : Antidiabetic effect of garlic (Allium sativum L.) in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. 2006
2209 T-14-0108 저자명 : Stajner D, Mili훶 N, Canadanovi훶-Brunet J, Kapor A, Stajner M, Popovi훶 BM. 논문명 : Exploring Allium species as a source of potential medicinal agents. 2006
2208 T-14-0079 저자명 : Vasudevan M, Parle M. 논문명 : Pharmacological evidence for the potential of Daucus carota in the management of cognitive dysfunctions. 2006
2207 T-14-0078 저자명 : Ekam VS, Udosen EO, Chigbu AE. 논문명 : Comparative effect of carotenoid complex from Golden Neo-Life Dynamite (GNLD) and carrot extracted carotenoids on immune parameters in albino Wistar rats. 2006
2206 T-14-0027 저자명 : Caili F, Huan S, Quanhong L. 논문명 : A review on pharmacological activities and utilization technologies of pumpkin. 2006
2205 T-14-0026 저자명 : Nkosi CZ, Opoku AR, Terblanche SE. 논문명 : In Vitro antioxidative activity of pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo) protein isolate and its In Vivo effect on alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase in acetaminophen-induced liver injury in low protein fed rats. 2006