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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2254 T-14-0955 저자명 : Sembries S, Dongowski G, Mehrl채nder K, Will F, Dietrich H. 논문명 : Physiological effects of extraction juices from apple, grape, and red beet pomaces in rats. 2006
2253 T-14-0954 저자명 : Chan A, Shea TB. 논문명 : Supplementation with apple juice attenuates presenilin-1 overexpression during dietary and genetically-induced oxidative stress. 2006
2252 T-14-0848 저자명 : Yu B, Vengadesan G, Wang H, Jashi L, Yefremov T, Tian S, Gaba V, Shomer I, Stark RE. 논문명 : Magic-angle spinning NMR studies of cell wall bound aromatic-aliphatic biopolyesters associated with strengthening of intercellular adhesion in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber parenchyma. 2006
2251 T-14-0847 저자명 : Mittelstrass K, Treutter D, Plessl M, Heller W, Elstner EF, Heiser I. 논문명 : Modification of primary and secondary metabolism of potato plants by nitrogen application differentially affects resistance to Phytophthora infestans and Alternaria solani. 2006
2250 T-14-0822 저자명 : Lee SH, Choi SM, Sohn YS, Kang KK, Yoo M. 논문명 : Effect of Oryza sativa extract on the progression of airway inflammation and remodeling in an experimental animal model of asthma. 2006
2249 T-14-0821 저자명 : Lee SH, Sohn YS, Kang KK, Kwon JW, Yoo M. 논문명 : Inhibitory effect of DA-9201, an extract of Oryza sativa L., on airway inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in mouse asthma model. 2006
2248 T-14-0820 저자명 : Liao HF, Chen YY, Yang YC, Wang CS, Chen YJ. 논문명 : Rice (Oryza sativa L.) inhibits growth and induces differentiation of human leukemic U937 cells through activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. 2006
2247 T-14-0811 저자명 : Ahuja KD, Pittaway JK, Ball MJ. 논문명 : Effects of olive oil and tomato lycopene combination on serum lycopene, lipid profile, and lipid oxidation. 2006
2246 T-14-0810 저자명 : Riso P, Visioli F, Grande S, Guarnieri S, Gardana C, Simonetti P, Porrini M. 논문명 : Effect of a tomato-based drink on markers of inflammation, immunomodulation, and oxidative stress. 2006
2245 T-14-0808 저자명 : Edinger MS, Koff WJ. 논문명 : Effect of the consumption of tomato paste on plasma prostate-specific antigen levels in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia. 2006