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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2244 T-14-0807 저자명 : O'Kennedy N, Crosbie L, Whelan S, Luther V, Horgan G, Broom JI, Webb DJ, Duttaroy AK. 논문명 : Effects of tomato extract on platelet function: a double-blinded crossover study in healthy humans. 2006
2243 T-14-0806 저자명 : O'Kennedy N, Crosbie L, van Lieshout M, Broom JI, Webb DJ, Duttaroy AK. 논문명 : Effects of antiplatelet components of tomato extract on platelet function in vitro and ex vivo: a time-course cannulation study in healthy humans. 2006
2242 T-14-0805 저자명 : Chichili GR, Nohr D, Frank J, Flaccus A, Fraser PD, Enfissi EM, Biesalski HK. 논문명 : Protective effects of tomato extract with elevated beta-carotene levels on oxidative stress in ARPE-19 cells. 2006
2241 T-14-0804 저자명 : Campbell JK, Stroud CK, Nakamura MT, Lila MA, Erdman JW Jr. 논문명 : Serum testosterone is reduced following short-term phytofluene, lycopene, or tomato powder consumption in F344 rats. 2006
2240 T-14-0803 저자명 : Yakimova ET, Kapchina-Toteva VM, Laarhoven LJ, Harren FM, Woltering EJ. 논문명 : Involvement of ethylene and lipid signalling in cadmium-induced programmed cell death in tomato suspension cells. 2006
2239 T-14-0802 저자명 : Madrid A E, V찼squez Z D, Leyton A F, Mandiola C, Escobar F JA. 논문명 : [Short-term Lycopersicum esculentum consumption may increase plasma high density lipoproteins and decrease oxidative stress]. 2006
2238 T-14-0760 저자명 : Bose KS, Agrawal BK. 논문명 : Effect of long term supplementation of tomatoes (cooked) on levels of antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation rate, lipid profile and glycated haemoglobin in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. 2006
2237 T-14-0692 저자명 : Niu JS, Zhang LN, Wang YH, Hong DF. 논문명 : Cloning, characterization and expression analysis of the receptor-like kinase gene (RLK) in common wheat. 2006
2236 T-14-0691 저자명 : Holme IB, Brinch-Pedersen H, Lange M, Holm PB. 논문명 : Transformation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) by Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection of in vitro cultured ovules. 2006
2235 T-14-0690 저자명 : Chankova SG, Ionova PA, Gateva SP, Iovchev G, Stergios ML, Mekhandzhiev AD, Shevchenko VA. 논문명 : [The potential of 1,1'-hexamethylenebis [3-(3,5-dichloro-4-pyridyl)] urea to modify genotoxic actions of chemical mutagens in various test-systems]. 2006