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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2424 T-17-3437 저자명 : Fu XC, Wang MW, Li SP, Wang HL. 논문명 : Anti-apoptotic effect and the mechanism of orientin on ischaemic/reperfused myocardium. 2006
2423 T-17-3436 저자명 : Zhang Y, Yao X, Bao B, Zhang Y. 논문명 : Anti-fatigue activity of a triterpenoid-rich extract from Chinese bamboo shavings (Caulis bamfusae in taeniam). 2006
2422 T-17-3435 저자명 : Ito Y, Shimazawa M, Akao Y, Nakajima Y, Seki N, Nozawa Y, Hara H. 논문명 : Lig-8, a bioactive lignophenol derivative from bamboo lignin, protects against neuronal damage in vitro and in vivo. 2006
2421 T-17-3335 저자명 : Kormosh N, Laktionov K, Antoshechkina M. 논문명 : Effect of a combination of extract from several plants on cell-mediated and humoral immunity of patients with advanced ovarian cancer. 2006
2420 T-17-3334 저자명 : Pan SY, Dong H, Han YF, Li WY, Zhao XY, Ko KM. 논문명 : A novel experimental model of acute hypertriglyceridemia induced by schisandrin B. 2006
2419 T-17-3333 저자명 : You JS, Pan TL, Hou YC. 논문명 : Schisandra chinensis protects against adriamycin-induced cardiotoxicity in rats. 2006
2418 T-17-3332 저자명 : Rhyu MR, Kim EY, Yoon BK, Lee YJ, Chen SN. 논문명 : Aqueous extract of Schizandra chinensis fruit causes endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation of isolated rat thoracic aorta. 2006
2417 T-17-3331 저자명 : Chan AS, Yip EC, Yung LY, Pang H, Luk SC, Pang SF, Wong YH. 논문명 : CKBM stimulates MAPKs but inhibits LPS-induced IFN-gamma in lymphocytes. 2006
2416 T-17-3330 저자명 : Wan CK, Zhu GY, Shen XL, Chattopadhyay A, Dey S, Fong WF. 논문명 : Gomisin A alters substrate interaction and reverses P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance in HepG2-DR cells. 2006
2415 T-17-3136 저자명 : Yu Z, Fong WP, Cheng CH. 논문명 : The dual actions of morin (3,5,7,2',4'-pentahydroxyflavone) as a hypouricemic agent: uricosuric effect and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity. 2006