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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2484 T-17-4907 저자명 : Martineau LC, Couture A, Spoor D, Benhaddou-Andaloussi A, Harris C, Meddah B, Leduc C, Burt A, Vuong T, Mai Le P, Prentki M, Bennett SA, Arnason JT, Haddad PS. 논문명 : Anti-diabetic properties of the Canadian lowbush blueberry Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. 2006
2483 T-17-4906 저자명 : Crews F, Nixon K, Kim D, Joseph J, Shukitt-Hale B, Qin L, Zou J. 논문명 : BHT blocks NF-kappaB activation and ethanol-induced brain damage. 2006
2482 T-17-4905 저자명 : Fraser MD, Theobald VJ, Moorby JM. 논문명 : Determining diet composition on complex swards using n-alkanes and long-chain fatty alcohols. 2006
2481 T-17-4904 저자명 : Seeram NP, Adams LS, Zhang Y, Lee R, Sand D, Scheuller HS, Heber D. 논문명 : Blackberry, black raspberry, blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, and strawberry extracts inhibit growth and stimulate apoptosis of human cancer cells in vitro. 2006
2480 T-17-4903 저자명 : Abidov M, Jimenez Del Rio M, Ramazanov A, Kalyuzhin O, Chkhikvishvili I. 논문명 : Efficiency of pharmacologically-active antioxidant phytomedicine Radical Fruits in treatment hypercholesteremia at men. 2006
2479 T-17-4902 저자명 : Tonstad S, Klemsdal TO, Landaas S, H첩ieggen A. 논문명 : No effect of increased water intake on blood viscosity and cardiovascular risk factors. 2006
2478 T-17-4901 저자명 : Joseph JA, Fisher DR, Carey AN, Bielinski DF. 논문명 : Dopamine-induced stress signaling in COS-7 cells transfected with selectively vulnerable muscarinic receptor subtypes is partially mediated via the i3 loop and antagonized by blueberry extract. 2006
2477 T-17-4899 저자명 : Abidov M, Ramazanov A, Jimenez Del Rio M, Chkhikvishvili I. 논문명 : Effect of Blueberin on fasting glucose, C-reactive protein and plasma aminotransferases, in female volunteers with diabetes type 2: double-blind, placebo controlled clinical study. 2006
2476 T-17-4898 저자명 : McGuire SO, Sortwell CE, Shukitt-Hale B, Joseph JA, Hejna MJ, Collier TJ. 논문명 : Dietary supplementation with blueberry extract improves survival of transplanted dopamine neurons. 2006
2475 T-17-4885 저자명 : Balk E, Chung M, Raman G, Tatsioni A, Chew P, Ip S, DeVine D, Lau J. 논문명 : B vitamins and berries and age-related neurodegenerative disorders. 2006