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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2474 T-17-4618 저자명 : Jeong JT, Moon JH, Park KH, Shin CS. 논문명 : Isolation and characterization of a new compound from Prunus mume fruit that inhibits cancer cells. 2006
2473 T-17-4617 저자명 : Nakajima S, Fujita K, Inoue Y, Nishio M, Seto Y. 논문명 : Effect of the folk remedy, Bainiku-ekisu, a concentrate of Prunus mume juice, on Helicobacter pylori infection in humans. 2006
2472 T-17-4575 저자명 : Ammirante M, Di Giacomo R, De Martino L, Rosati A, Festa M, Gentilella A, Pascale MC, Belisario MA, Leone A, Turco MC, De Feo V. 논문명 : 1-Methoxy-canthin-6-one induces c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase-dependent apoptosis and synergizes with tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand activity in human neoplastic cells of hematopoietic or endodermal origin. 2006
2471 T-17-4574 저자명 : Jin MH, Yook J, Lee E, Lin CX, Quan Z, Son KH, Bae KH, Kim HP, Kang SS, Chang HW. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory activity of Ailanthus altissima in ovalbumin-induced lung inflammation. 2006
2470 T-17-4546 저자명 : Kim CH, Kim DI, Kwon CN, Kang SK, Jin UH, Suh SJ, Lee TK, Lee IS. 논문명 : Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Sieb induces apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway as prooxidant in human uterine leiomyomal smooth muscle cells. 2006
2469 T-17-4526 저자명 : Diaz-Vivancos P, Rubio M, Mesonero V, Periago PM, Barcel처 AR, Mart챠nez-G처mez P, Hern찼ndez JA. 논문명 : The apoplastic antioxidant system in Prunus: response to long-term plum pox virus infection. 2006
2468 T-17-4525 저자명 : Nakajima S, Fujita K, Inoue Y, Nishio M, Seto Y. 논문명 : Effect of the folk remedy, Bainiku-ekisu, a concentrate of Prunus mume juice, on Helicobacter pylori infection in humans. 2006
2467 T-17-4466 저자명 : H. Zhou, Y. F. Wong, X. Cai, Z. Q. Liu, Z. H. Jiang, Z. X. Bian, H. X. Xu and L. Liu 논문명 : Suppressive effects of JCICM-6, the extract of an anti-arthritic herbal formula, on the experimental inflammatory and nociceptive models in rodents 2006
2466 T-17-4437 저자명 : X. Yang, D. P. Thomas, X. Zhang, B. W. Culver, B. M. Alexander, W. J. Murdoch, M. N. Rao, D. A. Tulis, J. Ren and N. Sreejayan 논문명 : Curcumin inhibits platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated vascular smooth muscle cell function and injury-induced neointima formation 2006
2465 T-17-4424 저자명 : X. Xia, Y. Pan, W. Y. Zhang, G. Cheng and L. D. Kong 논문명 : Ethanolic extracts from Curcuma longa attenuates behavioral, immune, and neuroendocrine alterations in a rat chronic mild stress model 2006