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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3034 T-17-4545 저자명 : Lee SK, Hwang JY, Song JH, Jo JR, Kim MJ, Kim ME, Kim JI. 논문명 : Inhibitory activity of Euonymus alatus against alpha-glucosidase in vitro and in vivo. 2007
3033 T-17-4524 저자명 : Hashimoto T, Kitayama J, Hidemura A, Ishigami H, Kaizaki S, Fukushima N, Miyata T, Nagawa H. 논문명 : Ume (Japanese apricot)-induced small bowel obstruction with chronic radiation enteritis. 2007
3032 T-17-4523 저자명 : Nakagawa A, Sawada T, Okada T, Ohsawa T, Adachi M, Kubota K. 논문명 : New antineoplastic agent, MK615, from UME (a Variety of) Japanese apricot inhibits growth of breast cancer cells in vitro. 2007
3031 T-17-4522 저자명 : Mori S, Sawada T, Okada T, Ohsawa T, Adachi M, Keiichi K. 논문명 : New anti-proliferative agent, MK615, from Japanese apricot "Prunus mume" induces striking autophagy in colon cancer cells in vitro. 2007
3030 T-17-4520 저자명 : Fajkusova Z, Jadviscokova T, Pallayova M, Matuskova V, Luza J, Kuzmina G. 논문명 : Glycaemic index of selected foodstuffs in healthy persons. 2007
3029 T-17-4462 저자명 : S. Zheng, F. Yumei and A. Chen 논문명 : De novo synthesis of glutathione is a prerequisite for curcumin to inhibit hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation 2007
3028 T-17-4452 저자명 : A. Zafir and N. Banu 논문명 : Antioxidant potential of fluoxetine in comparison to Curcuma longa in restraint-stressed rats 2007
3027 T-17-4423 저자명 : X. Xia, G. Cheng, Y. Pan, Z. H. Xia and L. D. Kong 논문명 : Behavioral, neurochemical and neuroendocrine effects of the ethanolic extract from Curcuma longa L. in the mouse forced swimming test 2007
3026 T-17-4393 저자명 : H. Wahl, L. Tan, K. Griffith, M. Choi and J. R. Liu 논문명 : Curcumin enhances Apo2L/TRAIL-induced apoptosis in chemoresistant ovarian cancer cells 2007
3025 T-17-4390 저자명 : P. Vlahovic, T. Cvetkovic, V. Savic and V. Stefanovic 논문명 : Dietary curcumin does not protect kidney in glycerol-induced acute renal failure 2007