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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3334 T-14-0461 저자명 : Mallikarjuna K, Sahitya Chetan P, Sathyavelu Reddy K, Rajendra W. 논문명 : Ethanol toxicity: rehabilitation of hepatic antioxidant defense system with dietary ginger. 2008
3333 T-14-0460 저자명 : Ueki S, Miyoshi M, Shido O, Hasegawa J, Watanabe T. 논문명 : Systemic administration of [6]-gingerol, a pungent constituent of ginger, induces hypothermia in rats via an inhibitory effect on metabolic rate. 2008
3332 T-14-0459 저자명 : Islam MS, Choi H. 논문명 : Comparative effects of dietary ginger (Zingiber officinale) and garlic (Allium sativum) investigated in a type 2 diabetes model of rats. 2008
3331 T-14-0458 저자명 : Ahmed RS, Suke SG, Seth V, Chakraborti A, Tripathi AK, Banerjee BD. 논문명 : Protective effects of dietary ginger (Zingiber officinales Rosc.) on lindane-induced oxidative stress in rats. 2008
3330 T-14-0457 저자명 : Ghayur MN, Gilani AH, Janssen LJ. 논문명 : Ginger attenuates acetylcholine-induced contraction and Ca2+ signalling in murine airway smooth muscle cells. 2008
3329 T-14-0456 저자명 : Yip YB, Tam AC. 논문명 : An experimental study on the effectiveness of massage with aromatic ginger and orange essential oil for moderate-to-severe knee pain among the elderly in Hong Kong. 2008
3328 T-14-0455 저자명 : Han LK, Morimoto C, Zheng YN, Li W, Asami E, Okuda H, Saito M. 논문명 : [Effects of zingerone on fat storage in ovariectomized rats]. 2008
3327 T-14-0454 저자명 : Pan MH, Hsieh MC, Hsu PC, Ho SY, Lai CS, Wu H, Sang S, Ho CT. 논문명 : 6-Shogaol suppressed lipopolysaccharide-induced up-expression of iNOS and COX-2 in murine macrophages. 2008
3326 T-14-0453 저자명 : Ahui ML, Champy P, Ramadan A, Pham Van L, Araujo L, Brou Andr챕 K, Diem S, Damotte D, Kati-Coulibaly S, Offoumou MA, Dy M, Thieblemont N, Herbelin A. 논문명 : Ginger prevents Th2-mediated immune responses in a mouse model of airway inflammation. 2008
3325 T-14-0452 저자명 : Leach MJ, Kumar S. 논문명 : The clinical effectiveness of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in adults with osteoarthritis. 2008