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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3364 T-14-0829 저자명 : Sarkar S, Buha D. 논문명 : Effect of ripe fruit pulp extract of Cucurbita pepo Linn. in aspirin induced gastric and duodenal ulcer in rats. 2008
3363 T-14-0793 저자명 : Parvin R, Akhter N. 논문명 : Protective effect of tomato against adrenaline-induced myocardial infarction in rats. 2008
3362 T-14-0766 저자명 : Jamshidzadeh A, Baghban M, Azarpira N, Mohammadi Bardbori A, Niknahad H. 논문명 : Effects of tomato extract on oxidative stress induced toxicity in different organs of rats. 2008
3361 T-14-0748 저자명 : Jacob K, Periago MJ, B철hm V, Berruezo GR. 논문명 : Influence of lycopene and vitamin C from tomato juice on biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation. 2008
3360 T-14-0738 저자명 : Sahin N, Orhan C, Tuzcu M, Sahin K, Kucuk O. 논문명 : The effects of tomato powder supplementation on performance and lipid peroxidation in quail. 2008
3359 T-14-0737 저자명 : Schn채bele K, Briviba K, Bub A, Roser S, Pool-Zobel BL, Rechkemmer G. 논문명 : Effects of carrot and tomato juice consumption on faecal markers relevant to colon carcinogenesis in humans. 2008
3358 T-14-0736 저자명 : Grainger EM, Schwartz SJ, Wang S, Unlu NZ, Boileau TW, Ferketich AK, Monk JP, Gong MC, Bahnson RR, DeGroff VL, Clinton SK. 논문명 : A combination of tomato and soy products for men with recurring prostate cancer and rising prostate specific antigen. 2008
3357 T-14-0735 저자명 : Fakas S, Papanikolaou S, Galiotou-Panayotou M, Komaitis M, Aggelis G. 논문명 : Organic nitrogen of tomato waste hydrolysate enhances glucose uptake and lipid accumulation in Cunninghamella echinulata. 2008
3356 T-14-0734 저자명 : Han H, Li Y, Yue H, Zhou Z, Xiao D, Choi MM. 논문명 : Clinical determination of glucose in human serum by a tomato skin biosensor. 2008
3355 T-14-0733 저자명 : Youm JW, Jeon JH, Kim H, Kim YH, Ko K, Joung H, Kim H. 논문명 : Transgenic tomatoes expressing human beta-amyloid for use as a vaccine against Alzheimer's disease. 2008