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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3974 T-14-0799 저자명 : Palozza P, Bellovino D, Simone R, Boninsegna A, Cellini F, Monastra G, Gaetani S. 논문명 : Effect of beta-carotene-rich tomato lycopene beta-cyclase ( tlcy-b) on cell growth inhibition in HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma cells. 2009
3973 T-14-0798 저자명 : di Matteo V, Pierucci M, Di Giovanni G, Dragani LK, Murzilli S, Poggi A, Esposito E. 논문명 : Intake of tomato-enriched diet protects from 6-hydroxydopamine-induced degeneration of rat nigral dopaminergic neurons. 2009
3972 T-14-0797 저자명 : Ali MM, Agha FG. 논문명 : Amelioration of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, oxidative stress and dyslipidemia in rats by tomato extract lycopene. 2009
3971 T-14-0796 저자명 : Joo YE, Karrasch T, M체hlbauer M, Allard B, Narula A, Herfarth HH, Jobin C. 논문명 : Tomato lycopene extract prevents lipopolysaccharide-induced NF-kappaB signaling but worsens dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in NF-kappaBEGFP mice. 2009
3970 T-14-0795 저자명 : Cheong SH, Chang KJ. 논문명 : The preventive effect of fermented milk supplement containing tomato (lycopersion esculentum) and taurine on bone loss in ovariectomized rats. 2009
3969 T-14-0794 저자명 : Lee CY, Isaac HB, Huang SH, Long LH, Wang H, Gruber J, Ong CN, Kelly RP, Halliwell B. 논문명 : Limited antioxidant effect after consumption of a single dose of tomato sauce by young males, despite a rise in plasma lycopene. 2009
3968 T-14-0791 저자명 : Salawu EO, Adeeyo OA, Falokun OP, Yusuf UA, Oyerinde A, Adeleke AA. 논문명 : Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) prevents lead-induced testicular toxicity. 2009
3967 T-14-0684 저자명 : P챕rez-L처pez U, Robredo A, Lacuesta M, Sgherri C, Mu챰oz-Rueda A, Navari-Izzo F, Mena-Petite A. 논문명 : The oxidative stress caused by salinity in two barley cultivars is mitigated by elevated CO2. 2009
3966 T-14-0681 저자명 : Jacquard C, Nolin F, H챕cart C, Grauda D, Rashal I, Dhondt-Cordelier S, Sangwan RS, Devaux P, Mazeyrat-Gourbeyre F, Cl챕ment C. 논문명 : Microspore embryogenesis and programmed cell death in barley: effects of copper on albinism in recalcitrant cultivars. 2009
3965 T-14-0641 저자명 : Moon SC, Park SC, Yeo EJ, Kwak CS. 논문명 : Water dropwort (Ostericum sieboldii) and Sedum (Sedum sarmentosum) delay H(2)O(2)-induced senescence in human diploid fibroblasts. 2009