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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3984 T-14-0923 저자명 : Koch TC, Briviba K, Watzl B, F채hndrich C, Bub A, Rechkemmer G, Barth SW. 논문명 : Prevention of colon carcinogenesis by apple juice in vivo: impact of juice constituents and obesity. 2009
3983 T-14-0922 저자명 : Setorki M, Asgary S, Eidi A, Rohani AH, Esmaeil N. 논문명 : Effects of apple juice on risk factors of lipid profile, inflammation and coagulation, endothelial markers and atherosclerotic lesions in high cholesterolemic rabbits. 2009
3982 T-14-0921 저자명 : Thompson MD, Stushnoff C, McGinley JN, Thompson HJ. 논문명 : In vitro measures used to predict anticancer activity of apple cultivars and their comparison to outcomes from a rat model of experimentally induced breast cancer. 2009
3981 T-14-0913 저자명 : Dray C, Colom A, Guign챕 C, Legonidec S, Guibert A, Ouarne F, Valet P. 논문명 : Native fructose extracted from apple improves glucose tolerance in mice. 2009
3980 T-14-0907 저자명 : Huber GM, Rupasinghe HP. 논문명 : Phenolic profiles and antioxidant properties of apple skin extracts. 2009
3979 T-14-0843 저자명 : Camire ME, Kubow S, Donnelly DJ. 논문명 : Potatoes and human health. 2009
3978 T-14-0815 저자명 : Aizawa K, Matsumoto T, Inakuma T, Ishijima T, Nakai Y, Abe K, Amano F. 논문명 : Administration of tomato and paprika beverages modifies hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism in mice: a DNA microarray analysis. 2009
3977 T-14-0813 저자명 : Markovits N, Ben Amotz A, Levy Y. 논문명 : The effect of tomato-derived lycopene on low carotenoids and enhanced systemic inflammation and oxidation in severe obesity. 2009
3976 T-14-0801 저자명 : Paran E, Novack V, Engelhard YN, Hazan-Halevy I. 논문명 : The effects of natural antioxidants from tomato extract in treated but uncontrolled hypertensive patients. 2009
3975 T-14-0800 저자명 : Senatore A, Trobacher CP, Greenwood JS. 논문명 : Ricinosomes predict programmed cell death leading to anther dehiscence in tomato. 2009