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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4114 T-17-1138 저자명 : Liu YW, Liu JC, Huang CY, Wang CK, Shang HF, Hou WC. 논문명 : Effects of oral administration of yam tuber storage protein, dioscorin, to BALB/c mice for 21-days on immune responses. 2009
4113 T-17-1137 저자명 : Chiu CS, Deng JS, Hsieh MT, Fan MJ, Lee MM, Chueh FS, Han CK, Lin YC, Peng WH. 논문명 : Yam (Dioscorea pseudojaponica Yamamoto) ameliorates cognition deficit and attenuates oxidative damage in senescent mice induced by D-galactose. 2009
4112 T-17-1136 저자명 : Szeto YT, Lei PC, Ngai KL, Yiu AT, Chan CS, Kok EW, Leong CW. 논문명 : An in vitro study of the antioxidant activities and effect on human DNA of the Chinese herbal decoction 'Liu Wei Di Huang'. 2009
4111 T-17-1135 저자명 : Kong XF, Zhang YZ, Wu X, Yin YL, Tan ZL, Feng Y, Yan FY, Bo MJ, Huang RL, Li TJ. 논문명 : Fermentation characterization of chinese yam polysaccharide and its effects on the gut microbiota of rats. 2009
4110 T-17-0955 저자명 : Jeong GS, Lee DS, Kim YC. 논문명 : Cudratricusxanthone A from Cudrania tricuspidata suppresses pro-inflammatory mediators through expression of anti-inflammatory heme oxygenase-1 in RAW264.7 macrophages. 2009
4109 T-17-0954 저자명 : Joo HY, Lim KT. 논문명 : Glycoprotein isolated from Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau inhibits iNO and COX-2 expression through modulation of NF-觀B in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7cells. 2009
4108 T-17-0953 저자명 : Lee YJ, Kim S, Lee SJ, Ham I, Whang WK. 논문명 : Antioxidant activities of new flavonoids from Cudrania tricuspidata root bark. 2009
4107 T-17-0952 저자명 : Kim TJ, Han HJ, Lim Y, Song MC, Kim J, Hong JT, Yoo HS, Pyo MY, Hwang BY, Lee MK, Yun YP. 논문명 : Antiproliferative action of cudraflavone B, isolated from Cudrania tricuspidata, through the downregulation of pRb phosphorylation in aortic smooth muscle cell proliferation signaling. 2009
4106 T-17-0951 저자명 : Oh PS, Lim KT. 논문명 : Phytoglycoprotein (75 kDa) isolated from Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau inhibits expression of interleukin-4 in the presence of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate via modulation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in primary-cultured mouse thymocytes. 2009
4105 T-17-0950 저자명 : Shim JU, Lim KT. 논문명 : Inhibitory effect of glycoprotein isolated from Cudrania tricuspidata bureau on expression of inflammation-related cytokine in bisphenol A-treated HMC-1 cells. 2009