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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4154 T-17-2115 저자명 : Park S, Kang K, Lee K, Choi D, Kim YS, Back K. 논문명 : Induction of serotonin biosynthesis is uncoupled from the coordinated induction of tryptophan biosynthesis in pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum) upon pathogen infection. 2009
4153 T-17-2113 저자명 : Aizawa K, Matsumoto T, Inakuma T, Ishijima T, Nakai Y, Abe K, Amano F. 논문명 : Administration of tomato and paprika beverages modifies hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism in mice: a DNA microarray analysis. 2009
4152 T-17-2111 저자명 : Atrooz OM. 논문명 : The antioxidant activity and polyphenolic contents of different plant seeds extracts. 2009
4151 T-17-1952 저자명 : Chrubasik S, Droste C, Black A. 논문명 : Asparagus P(R) cannot compete with first-line diuretics in lowering the blood pressure in treatment-requiring antihypertensives. 2009
4150 T-17-1951 저자명 : Gadi D, Bnouham M, Aziz M, Ziyyat A, Legssyer A, Legrand C, Lafeve FF, Mekhfi H. 논문명 : Parsley extract inhibits in vitro and ex vivo platelet aggregation and prolongs bleeding time in rats. 2009
4149 T-17-1950 저자명 : Vora SR, Patil RB, Pillai MM. 논문명 : Protective effects of Petroselinum crispum (Mill) Nyman ex A. W. Hill leaf extract on D-galactose-induced oxidative stress in mouse brain. 2009
4148 T-17-1885 저자명 : Chen YK, Kuo YH, Chiang BH, Lo JM, Sheen LY. 논문명 : Cytotoxic activities of 9,11-dehydroergosterol peroxide and ergosterol peroxide from the fermentation mycelia of ganoderma lucidum cultivated in the medium containing leguminous plants on Hep 3B cells. 2009
4147 T-17-1884 저자명 : Matos AR, Mendes AT, Scotti-Campos P, Arraba챌a JD. 논문명 : Study of the effects of salicylic acid on soybean mitochondrial lipids and respiratory properties using the alternative oxidase as a stress-reporter protein. 2009
4146 T-17-1865 저자명 : Huang Z, Wang B, Eaves DH, Shikany JM, Pace RD. 논문명 : Total phenolics and antioxidant capacity of indigenous vegetables in the southeast United States: Alabama Collaboration for Cardiovascular Equality Project. 2009
4145 T-17-1861 저자명 : Kim MY, Cheong SH, Kim MH, Son C, Yook HS, Sok DE, Kim JH, Cho Y, Chun H, Kim MR. 논문명 : Leafy vegetable mix supplementation improves lipid profiles and antioxidant status in C57BL/6J mice fed a high fat and high cholesterol diet. 2009