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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4214 T-17-2924 저자명 : Ma CJ, Kim SH, Lee KY, Oh T, Kim SY, Sung SH, Kim YC. 논문명 : ESP-102, a combined extract of Angelica gigas, Saururus chinensis and Schizandra chinensis, protects against glutamate-induced toxicity in primary cultures of rat cortical cells. 2009
4213 T-17-2923 저자명 : Min HJ, Won HY, Kim YC, Sung SH, Byun MR, Hwang JH, Hong JH, Hwang ES. 논문명 : Suppression of Th2-driven, allergen-induced airway inflammation by sauchinone. 2009
4212 T-17-2921 저자명 : Wang L, Cheng D, Wang H, Di L, Zhou X, Xu T, Yang X, Liu Y. 논문명 : The hepatoprotective and antifibrotic effects of Saururus chinensis against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic fibrosis in rats. 2009
4211 T-17-2918 저자명 : Choi IY, Yan H, Park YK, Kim WK. 논문명 : Sauchinone reduces oxygen-glucose deprivation-evoked neuronal cell death via suppression of intracellular radical production. 2009
4210 T-17-2855 저자명 : Lu TL, Huang GJ, Lu TJ, Wu JB, Wu CH, Yang TC, Iizuka A, Chen YF. 논문명 : Hispolon from Phellinus linteus has antiproliferative effects via MDM2-recruited ERK1/2 activity in breast and bladder cancer cells. 2009
4209 T-17-2854 저자명 : Park BJ, Lim YS, Lee HJ, Eum WS, Park J, Han KH, Choi SY, Lee KS. 논문명 : Anti-oxidative effects of Phellinus linteus and red ginseng extracts on oxidative stress-induced DNA damage. 2009
4208 T-17-2785 저자명 : Zhang W, Xu XL, Wang YQ, Wang CH, Zhu WZ. 논문명 : Effects of 2,3,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene 2-O-beta-D-glucoside on vascular endothelial dysfunction in atherogenic-diet rats. 2009
4207 T-17-2713 저자명 : Onogawa M, Sun G, Takuma D, Hamada A, Yokota J, Yoshioka S, Kusunose M, Miyamura M, Kyotani S, Nishioka Y. 논문명 : Animal studies supporting the inhibition of mast cell activation by Eriobotrya japonica seed extract. 2009
4206 T-17-2712 저자명 : Al-Hanbali M, Ali D, Bustami M, Abdel-Malek S, Al-Hanbali R, Alhussainy T, Qadan F, Matalka KZ. 논문명 : Epicatechin suppresses IL-6, IL-8 and enhances IL-10 production with NF-kappaB nuclear translocation in whole blood stimulated system. 2009
4205 T-17-2711 저자명 : Qa'dan F, Verspohl EJ, Nahrstedt A, Petereit F, Matalka KZ. 논문명 : Cinchonain Ib isolated from Eriobotrya japonica induces insulin secretion in vitro and in vivo. 2009