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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4234 T-17-3301 저자명 : Park JY, Shin HK, Choi YW, Lee YJ, Bae SS, Han J, Kim CD. 논문명 : Gomisin A induces Ca2+-dependent activation of eNOS in human coronary artery endothelial cells. 2009
4233 T-17-3300 저자명 : Yim SY, Lee YJ, Lee YK, Jung SE, Kim JH, Kim HJ, Son BG, Park YH, Lee YG, Choi YW, Hwang DY. 논문명 : Gomisin N isolated from Schisandra chinensis significantly induces anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in hepatic carcinoma. 2009
4232 T-17-3299 저자명 : Park C, Choi YW, Hyun SK, Kwon HJ, Hwang HJ, Kim GY, Choi BT, Kim BW, Choi IW, Moon SK, Kim WJ, Choi YH. 논문명 : Induction of G1 arrest and apoptosis by schisandrin C isolated from Schizandra chinensis Baill in human leukemia U937 cells. 2009
4231 T-17-3298 저자명 : Stacchiotti A, Li Volti G, Lavazza A, Rezzani R, Rodella LF. 논문명 : Schisandrin B stimulates a cytoprotective response in rat liver exposed to mercuric chloride. 2009
4230 T-17-3297 저자명 : Liu C, Zhang S, Wu H. 논문명 : Non-thermal extraction of effective ingredients from Schisandra chinensis Baill and the antioxidant activity of its extract. 2009
4229 T-17-3296 저자명 : Park S, Hong SM, Ahn IS, Kim YJ, Lee JB. 논문명 : Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang supplemented with Schisandra chinensis Baill. and Polygonatum odoratum Druce improved glucose tolerance by potentiating insulinotropic actions in islets in 90% pancreatectomized diabetic rats. 2009
4228 T-17-3155 저자명 : Kim HJ, Lee JY, Kim SM, Park DA, Jin C, Hong SP, Lee YS. 논문명 : A new epicatechin gallate and calpain inhibitory activity from Orostachys japonicus. 2009
4227 T-17-3128 저자명 : Sugimoto M, Arai H, Tamura Y, Murayama T, Khaengkhan P, Nishio T, Ono K, Ariyasu H, Akamizu T, Ueda Y, Kita T, Harada S, Kamei K, Yokode M. 논문명 : Mulberry leaf ameliorates the expression profile of adipocytokines by inhibiting oxidative stress in white adipose tissue in db/db mice. 2009
4226 T-17-3126 저자명 : Naowaboot J, Pannangpetch P, Kukongviriyapan V, Kongyingyoes B, Kukongviriyapan U. 논문명 : Antihyperglycemic, antioxidant and antiglycation activities of mulberry leaf extract in streptozotocin-induced chronic diabetic rats. 2009
4225 T-17-3125 저자명 : Zhang M, Chen M, Zhang HQ, Sun S, Xia B, Wu FH. 논문명 : In vivo hypoglycemic effects of phenolics from the root bark of Morus alba. 2009