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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5114 T-17-4818 저자명 : Milbury PE, Kalt W. 논문명 : Xenobiotic metabolism and berry flavonoid transport across the blood-brain barrier. 2010
5113 T-17-4817 저자명 : Nguyen V, Tang J, Oroudjev E, Lee CJ, Marasigan C, Wilson L, Ayoub G. 논문명 : Cytotoxic effects of bilberry extract on MCF7-GFP-tubulin breast cancer cells. 2010
5112 T-17-4816 저자명 : Kim H, Bartley GE, Rimando AM, Yokoyama W. 논문명 : Hepatic gene expression related to lower plasma cholesterol in hamsters fed high-fat diets supplemented with blueberry peels and peel extract. 2010
5111 T-17-4815 저자명 : Prior RL, E Wilkes S, R Rogers T, Khanal RC, Wu X, Howard LR. 논문명 : Purified blueberry anthocyanins and blueberry juice alter development of obesity in mice fed an obesogenic high-fat diet. 2010
5110 T-17-4814 저자명 : Joseph JA, Bielinski DF, Fisher DR. 논문명 : Blueberry treatment antagonizes C-2 ceramide-induced stress signaling in muscarinic receptor-transfected COS-7 cells. 2010
5109 T-17-4813 저자명 : Floegel A, Kim DO, Chung SJ, Song WO, Fernandez ML, Bruno RS, Koo SI, Chun OK. 논문명 : Development and validation of an algorithm to establish a total antioxidant capacity database of the US diet. 2010
5108 T-17-4812 저자명 : Wang YP, Cheng ML, Zhang BF, Mu M, Zhou MY, Wu J, Li CX. 논문명 : Effect of blueberry on hepatic and immunological functions in mice. 2010
5107 T-17-4811 저자명 : Adams LS, Phung S, Yee N, Seeram NP, Li L, Chen S. 논문명 : Blueberry phytochemicals inhibit growth and metastatic potential of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells through modulation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway. 2010
5106 T-17-4810 저자명 : Vuong T, Matar C, Ramassamy C, Haddad PS. 논문명 : Biotransformed blueberry juice protects neurons from hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway alterations. 2010
5105 T-17-4809 저자명 : Bachstetter AD, Jernberg J, Schlunk A, Vila JL, Hudson C, Cole MJ, Shytle RD, Tan J, Sanberg PR, Sanberg CD, Borlongan C, Kaneko Y, Tajiri N, Gemma C, Bickford PC. 논문명 : Spirulina promotes stem cell genesis and protects against LPS induced declines in neural stem cell proliferation. 2010