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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5324 T-19-0688 저자명 : J. B. Salah-Abbes, S. Abbes, M. Abdel-Wahhab and R. Oueslati 논문명 : Immunotoxicity of zearalenone in Balb/c mice in a high subchronic dosing study counteracted by Raphanus sativus extract 2010
5323 T-19-0685 저자명 : S. S. Beevi, L. N. Mangamoori, M. Subathra and J. R. Edula 논문명 : Hexane extract of Raphanus sativus L. roots inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in human cancer cells by modulating genes related to apoptotic pathway 2010
5322 T-19-0675 저자명 : L. Hachfi and R. Sakly 논문명 : Effect of Cd transferred via food product on spermatogenesis in the rat 2010
5321 T-19-0670 저자명 : Y. Tsuji, T. Mikami, Y. Anan and Y. Ogra 논문명 : Comparison of selenohomolanthionine and selenomethionine in terms of selenium distribution and toxicity in rats by bolus administration 2010
5320 T-19-0664 저자명 : L. S. Wang, X. D. Sun, Y. Cao, L. Wang, F. J. Li and Y. F. Wang 논문명 : Antioxidant and pro-oxidant properties of acylated pelargonidin derivatives extracted from red radish (Raphanus sativus var. niger, Brassicaceae) 2010
5319 T-19-0657 저자명 : S. C. Jeong, Y. T. Jeong, B. K. Yang, R. Islam, S. R. Koyyalamudi, G. Pang, K. Y. Cho and C. H. Song 논문명 : White button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels in diabetic and hypercholesterolemic rats 2010
5318 T-19-0624 저자명 : B. Spilsberg, T. Rundberget, L. E. Johannessen, A. B. Kristoffersen, A. Holst-Jensen and K. G. Berdal 논문명 : Detection of food-derived damaged nucleosides with possible adverse effects on human health using a global adductomics approach 2010
5317 T-19-0614 저자명 : C. L. Dama, S. Kumar, B. K. Mishra, K. B. Shukla, S. Mathur and A. Doshi 논문명 : Antioxidative enzymatic profile of mushrooms stored at low temperature 2010
5316 T-19-0594 저자명 : M. Karaman, E. Jovin, R. Malbasa, M. Matavuly and M. Popovic 논문명 : Medicinal and edible lignicolous fungi as natural sources of antioxidative and antibacterial agents 2010
5315 T-19-0592 저자명 : M. C. da Silva, J. Naozuka, P. V. Oliveira, M. C. Vanetti, D. M. Bazzolli, N. M. Costa and M. C. Kasuya 논문명 : In vivo bioavailability of selenium in enriched Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms 2010