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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5294 T-19-0240 저자명 : P. Pasko, H. Barton, P. Zagrodzki, A. Izewska, M. Krosniak, M. Gawlik, M. Gawlik and S. Gorinstein 논문명 : Effect of diet supplemented with quinoa seeds on oxidative status in plasma and selected tissues of high fructose-fed rats 2010
5293 T-19-0209 저자명 : H. Yokoi, H. Mizukami, A. Nagatsu, H. Tanabe and M. Inoue 논문명 : Hydroxy monounsaturated fatty acids as agonists for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors 2010
5292 T-19-0172 저자명 : X. Zheng, D. Yang, X. Liu, N. Wang, B. Li, H. Cao, Y. Lu, G. Wei, H. Zhou and J. Zheng 논문명 : Identification of a new anti-LPS agent, geniposide, from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, and its ability of direct binding and neutralization of lipopolysaccharide in vitro and in vivo 2010
5291 T-19-0142 저자명 : A. Mase, B. Makino, N. Tsuchiya, M. Yamamoto, Y. Kase, S. Takeda and T. Hasegawa 논문명 : Active ingredients of traditional Japanese (kampo) medicine, inchinkoto, in murine concanavalin A-induced hepatitis 2010
5290 T-19-0137 저자명 : W. Lim, O. Kim, J. Jung, Y. Ko, J. Ha, H. Oh, H. Lim, H. Kwon, I. Kim, J. Kim, M. Kim, S. Kim, B. K. Kim, S. Kim, B. C. Kang, H. Choi and O. Kim 논문명 : Dichloromethane fraction from Gardenia jasminoides: DNA topoisomerase 1 inhibition and oral cancer cell death induction 2010
5289 T-19-0131 저자명 : S. J. Kim, J. K. Kim, D. U. Lee, J. H. Kwak and S. M. Lee 논문명 : Genipin protects lipopolysaccharide-induced apoptotic liver damage in D-galactosamine-sensitized mice 2010
5288 T-19-0100 저자명 : S. W. Hahm, J. Park and Y. S. Son 논문명 : Opuntia humifusa partitioned extracts inhibit the growth of U87MG human glioblastoma cells 2010
5287 T-19-0087 저자명 : J. F. Bisson, S. Daubie, S. Hidalgo, D. Guillemet and E. Linares 논문명 : Diuretic and antioxidant effects of Cacti-Nea, a dehydrated water extract from prickly pear fruit, in rats 2010
5286 T-19-0069 저자명 : Y. Horii, M. Tanida, J. Shen, T. Hirata, N. Kawamura, A. Wada and K. Nagai 논문명 : Effects of Eucommia leaf extracts on autonomic nerves, body temperature, lipolysis, food intake, and body weight 2010
5285 T-19-0048 저자명 : E. Penas, J. Frias, B. Sidro and C. Vidal-Valverde 논문명 : Chemical evaluation and sensory quality of sauerkrauts obtained by natural and induced fermentations at different NaCl levels from Brassica oleracea Var. capitata Cv. Bronco grown in eastern Spain. Effect of storage 2010