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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5814 T-17-2857 저자명 : Suzuki S, Kawamata T, Okada Y, Kobayashi T, Nakamura T, Hori T. 논문명 : Filtrate of Phellinus linteus Broth Culture Reduces Infarct Size Significantly in a Rat Model of Permanent Focal Cerebral Ischemia. 2011
5813 T-17-2856 저자명 : Chang HY, Sheu MJ, Yang CH, Lu TC, Chang YS, Peng WH, Huang SS, Huang GJ. 논문명 : Analgesic effects and the mechanisms of anti-inflammation of hispolon in mice. 2011
5812 T-17-2843 저자명 : Harikrishnan R, Balasundaram C, Heo MS. 논문명 : Diet enriched with mushroom Phellinus linteus extract enhances the growth, innate immune response, and disease resistance of kelp grouper, Epinephelus bruneus against vibriosis. 2011
5811 T-17-2842 저자명 : Huang HY, Chieh SY, Tso TK, Chien TY, Lin HT, Tsai YC. 논문명 : Orally administered mycelial culture of Phellinus linteus exhibits antitumor effects in hepatoma cell-bearing mice. 2011
5810 T-17-2841 저자명 : Kurokawa K, Ishii R, An WW, Kanazawa Y, Ozawa M, Ichiyanagi T, Saito T, Nishihara E, Nakaya K. 논문명 : A heat-stable extract from Mucuna stimulates the differentiation of bone marrow cells into dendritic cells and induces apoptosis in cancer cells. 2011
5809 T-17-2840 저자명 : Li YG, Ji DF, Zhong S, Zhu JX, Chen S, Hu GY. 논문명 : Anti-tumor effects of proteoglycan from Phellinus linteus by immunomodulating and inhibiting Reg IV/EGFR/Akt signaling pathway in colorectal carcinoma. 2011
5808 T-17-2838 저자명 : Song KS, Li G, Kim JS, Jing K, Kim TD, Kim JP, Seo SB, Yoo JK, Park HD, Hwang BD, Lim K, Yoon WH. 논문명 : Protein-bound polysaccharide from Phellinus linteus inhibits tumor growth, invasion, and angiogenesis and alters Wnt/棺-catenin in SW480 human colon cancer cells. 2011
5807 T-17-2837 저자명 : Bae IY, Shin JY, Lee HG. 논문명 : Preparation of Black Hoof medicinal mushroom Phellinus linteus (Berk. et M.A. Curt.) Teng (Aphyllophoromycetideae) beta-glucan sulfate and in vitro tumor cell growth inhibitory activity. 2011
5806 T-17-2778 저자명 : Qin R, Li X, Li G, Tao L, Li Y, Sun J, Kang X, Chen J. 논문명 : Protection by tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside against neurotoxicity induced by MPP+: the involvement of PI3K/Akt pathway activation. 2011
5805 T-17-2777 저자명 : Sun FL, Zhang L, Zhang RY, Li L. 논문명 : Tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside protects human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells against MPP+-induced cytotoxicity. 2011