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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6144 T-19-0385 저자명 : D. Damte, M. A. Reza, S. J. Lee, W. S. Jo and S. C. Park 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory Activity of Dichloromethane Extract of Auricularia auricula-judae in RAW264.7 Cells 2011
6143 T-19-0383 저자명 : D. A. Cabrini, H. H. Moresco, P. Imazu, C. D. da Silva, E. F. Pietrovski, D. A. Mendes, A. da Silveira Prudente, M. G. Pizzolatti, I. M. Brighente and M. F. Otuki 논문명 : Analysis of the Potential Topical Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Averrhoa carambola L. in Mice 2011
6142 T-19-0375 저자명 : A. M. Verma, A. P. Kumar, R. K. Shekar, K. A. Kumar, Chakrapani and R. A. Rani 논문명 : Pharmacological Screening of Annona cherimola for Antihyperlipidemic Potential 2011
6141 T-19-0353 저자명 : H. Szaefer, V. Krajka-Kuzniak, E. Ignatowicz, T. Adamska and W. Baer-Dubowska 논문명 : Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) juice modulates 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene induced hepatic but not mammary gland phase I and II enzymes in female rats 2011
6140 T-19-0323 저자명 : M. Kedzierska, B. Olas, B. Wachowicz, A. Stochmal, W. Oleszek and J. Erler 논문명 : Changes of platelet antioxidative enzymes during oxidative stress: the protective effect of polyphenol-rich extract from berries of Aronia melanocarpa and grape seeds 2011
6139 T-19-0298 저자명 : M. Bijak, M. Bobrowski, M. Borowiecka, A. Podsedek, J. Golanski and P. Nowak 논문명 : Anticoagulant effect of polyphenols-rich extracts from black chokeberry and grape seeds 2011
6138 T-19-0266 저자명 : R. Izuchi, Y. Nakai, H. Takahashi, S. Ushiama, S. Okada, T. Misaka and K. Abe 논문명 : Hepatic gene expression of the insulin signaling pathway is altered by administration of persimmon peel extract: a DNA microarray study using type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats 2011
6137 T-19-0236 저자명 : Q. A. Meneguetti, M. A. Brenzan, M. R. Batista, R. B. Bazotte, D. R. Silva and D. A. Garcia Cortez 논문명 : Biological effects of hydrolyzed quinoa extract from seeds of Chenopodium quinoa Willd 2011
6136 T-19-0218 저자명 : A. A. Dixit, K. M. Azar, C. D. Gardner and L. P. Palaniappan 논문명 : Incorporation of whole, ancient grains into a modern Asian Indian diet to reduce the burden of chronic disease 2011
6135 T-19-0153 저자명 : N. Umigai, K. Murakami, M. V. Ulit, L. S. Antonio, M. Shirotori, H. Morikawa and T. Nakano 논문명 : The pharmacokinetic profile of crocetin in healthy adult human volunteers after a single oral administration 2011