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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6154 T-19-0555 저자명 : J. Y. Wu, C. H. Chen, W. H. Chang, K. T. Chung, Y. W. Liu, F. J. Lu and C. H. Chen 논문명 : Anti-Cancer Effects of Protein Extracts from Calvatia lilacina, Pleurotus ostreatus and Volvariella volvacea 2011
6153 T-19-0548 저자명 : S. Shahar, S. Shafurah, N. S. Hasan Shaari, R. Rajikan, N. F. Rajab, B. Golkhalkhali and Z. M. Zainuddin 논문명 : Roles of diet, lifetime physical activity and oxidative DNA damage in the occurrence of prostate cancer among men in Klang Valley, Malaysia 2011
6152 T-19-0536 저자명 : R. Katuru, N. V. Fernandes, M. Elfakhani, D. Dutta, N. Mills, D. L. Hynds, C. King and H. Mo 논문명 : Mevalonate depletion mediates the suppressive impact of geranylgeraniol on murine B16 melanoma cells 2011
6151 T-19-0516 저자명 : S. D. Karou, T. Tchacondo, M. A. Djikpo Tchibozo, S. Abdoul-Rahaman, K. Anani, K. Koudouvo, K. Batawila, A. Agbonon, J. Simpore and C. de Souza 논문명 : Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used in the management of diabetes mellitus and hypertension in the Central Region of Togo 2011
6150 T-19-0507 저자명 : R. Biegelmeyer, J. M. Andrade, A. L. Aboy, M. A. Apel, R. R. Dresch, R. Marin, C. Raseira Mdo and A. T. Henriques 논문명 : Comparative analysis of the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of red (Psidium cattleianum) and yellow (Psidium cattleianum var. lucidum) strawberry guava fruit 2011
6149 T-19-0491 저자명 : D. Raghunandan, B. Ravishankar, G. Sharanbasava, D. B. Mahesh, V. Harsoor, M. S. Yalagatti, M. Bhagawanraju and A. Venkataraman 논문명 : Anti-cancer studies of noble metal nanoparticles synthesized using different plant extracts 2011
6148 T-19-0474 저자명 : C. N. Kunyanga, J. K. Imungi, M. W. Okoth, H. K. Biesalski and V. Vadivel 논문명 : Flavonoid content in ethanolic extracts of selected raw and traditionally processed indigenous foods consumed by vulnerable groups of Kenya: antioxidant and type II diabetes-related functional properties 2011
6147 T-19-0471 저자명 : P. Pasko, H. Barton, P. Zagrodzki and S. Gorinstein 논문명 : Effect of amaranth seeds (Amaranthus cruentus) in the diet on some biochemical parameters and essential trace elements in blood of high fructose-fed rats 2011
6146 T-19-0466 저자명 : R. M. Slabbert and G. H. Kruger 논문명 : Assessment of changes in photosystem II structure and function as affected by water deficit in Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. and Amaranthus hybridus L 2011
6145 T-19-0461 저자명 : V. R. Lopez, G. S. Razzeto, M. S. Gimenez and N. L. Escudero 논문명 : Antioxidant properties of Amaranthus hypochondriacus seeds and their effect on the liver of alcohol-treated rats 2011