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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6534 T-17-0461 저자명 : Cha KH, Song DG, Kim SM, Pan CH. 논문명 : Inhibition of gastrointestinal lipolysis by green tea, coffee, and gomchui (Ligularia fischeri) tea polyphenols during simulated digestion. 2012
6533 T-17-0371 저자명 : Guerrero-Beltr찼n CE, Calder처n-Oliver M, Pedraza-Chaverri J, Chirino YI. 논문명 : Protective effect of sulforaphane against oxidative stress: recent advances. 2012
6532 T-17-0367 저자명 : Wang TT, Schoene NW, Milner JA, Kim YS. 논문명 : Broccoli-derived phytochemicals indole-3-carbinol and 3,3'-diindolylmethane exerts concentration-dependent pleiotropic effects on prostate cancer cells: comparison with other cancer preventive phytochemicals. 2012
6531 T-17-0363 저자명 : Mart챠nez-Tom찼s R, Larqu챕 E, Gonz찼lez-Silvera D, S찼nchez-Campillo M, Burgos MI, Wellner A, Parra S, Bialek L, Alminger M, P챕rez-Llamas F. 논문명 : Effect of the consumption of a fruit and vegetable soup with high in vitro carotenoid bioaccessibility on serum carotenoid concentrations and markers of oxidative stress in young men. 2012
6530 T-17-0362 저자명 : Sakao K, Singh SV. 논문명 : D,L-sulforaphane-induced apoptosis in human breast cancer cells is regulated by the adapter protein p66Shc. 2012
6529 T-17-0361 저자명 : Senanayake GV, Banigesh A, Wu L, Lee P, Juurlink BH. 논문명 : The dietary phase 2 protein inducer sulforaphane can normalize the kidney epigenome and improve blood pressure in hypertensive rats. 2012
6528 T-17-0360 저자명 : Mueller K, Blum NM, Kluge H, Mueller AS. 논문명 : Influence of broccoli extract and various essential oils on performance and expression of xenobiotic- and antioxidant enzymes in broiler chickens. 2012
6527 T-17-0359 저자명 : Ferrarini L, Pellegrini N, Mazzeo T, Miglio C, Galati S, Milano F, Rossi C, Buschini A. 논문명 : Anti-proliferative activity and chemoprotective effects towards DNA oxidative damage of fresh and cooked Brassicaceae. 2012
6526 T-17-0358 저자명 : Paturi G, Mandimika T, Butts CA, Zhu S, Roy NC, McNabb WC, Ansell J. 논문명 : Influence of dietary blueberry and broccoli on cecal microbiota activity and colon morphology in mdr1a(-/-) mice, a model of inflammatory bowel diseases. 2012
6525 T-17-0357 저자명 : Ferguson LR, Schlothauer RC. 논문명 : The potential role of nutritional genomics tools in validating high health foods for cancer control: broccoli as example. 2012