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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7274 T-14-0121 저자명 : Quintero-Fabi찼n S, Ortu챰o-Sahag첬n D, V찼zquez-Carrera M, L처pez-Roa RI. 논문명 : Alliin, a garlic (Allium sativum) compound, prevents LPS-induced inflammation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. 2013
7273 T-14-0104 저자명 : Ramkissoon JS, Mahomoodally MF, Ahmed N, Subratty AH. 논문명 : Antioxidant and anti-glycation activities correlates with phenolic composition of tropical medicinal herbs. 2013
7272 T-14-0091 저자명 : Shebaby WN, El-Sibai M, Smith KB, Karam MC, Mroueh M, Daher CF. 논문명 : The antioxidant and anticancer effects of wild carrot oil extract. 2013
7271 T-14-0090 저자명 : Lim SH, Jung SK, Byun S, Lee EJ, Hwang JA, Seo SG, Kim YA, Yu JG, Lee KW, Lee HJ. 논문명 : Luteolin suppresses UVB-induced photoageing by targeting JNK1 and p90 RSK2. 2013
7270 T-14-0088 저자명 : Yoon KD, Kang SN, Bae JY, Lee HS, Kwak SS, Jang I, Kim IS, Lee CH, Bae JM, Lee SW, Ahn MJ. 논문명 : Enhanced antioxidant and protective activities on retinal ganglion cells of carotenoids-overexpressing transgenic carrot. 2013
7269 T-14-0087 저자명 : Afzal M, Kazmi I, Kaur R, Ahmad A, Pravez M, Anwar F. 논문명 : Comparison of protective and curative potential of Daucus carota root extract on renal ischemia reperfusion injury in rats. 2013
7268 T-14-0064 저자명 : Xie J, Wang C, Yang A, Zhang B, Yin Q, Huang H, Chen M. 논문명 : Cucurmosin kills human pancreatic cancer SW-1990 cells in vitro and in vivo. 2013
7267 T-14-0062 저자명 : Xie J, Wang C, Zhang B, Yang A, Yin Q, Huang H, Chen M. 논문명 : Cucurmosin induces the apoptosis of human pancreatic cancer CFPAC-1 cells by inactivating the PDGFR-b signalling pathway. 2013
7266 T-14-0050 저자명 : Nawirska-Olsza흦ska A, Kita A, Biesiada A, Sok처흢-흟휌towska A, Kucharska AZ. 논문명 : Characteristics of antioxidant activity and composition of pumpkin seed oils in 12 cultivars. 2013
7265 T-14-0049 저자명 : Zhang Y, Chen P, Zhang Y, Jin H, Zhu L, Li J, Yao H. 논문명 : Effects of polysaccharide from pumpkin on biochemical indicator and pancreatic tissue of the diabetic rabbits. 2013