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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7944 T-17-4745 저자명 : Riso P, Klimis-Zacas D, Del Bo' C, Martini D, Campolo J, Vendrame S, M첩ller P, Loft S, De Maria R, Porrini M. 논문명 : Effect of a wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) drink intervention on markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and endothelial function in humans with cardiovascular risk factors. 2013
7943 T-17-4744 저자명 : Tremblay F, Waterhouse J, Nason J, Kalt W. 논문명 : Prophylactic neuroprotection by blueberry-enriched diet in a rat model of light-induced retinopathy. 2013
7942 T-17-4740 저자명 : Blacker BC, Snyder SM, Eggett DL, Parker TL. 논문명 : Consumption of blueberries with a high-carbohydrate, low-fat breakfast decreases postprandial serum markers of oxidation. 2013
7941 T-17-4739 저자명 : Hanley MJ, Masse G, Harmatz JS, Cancalon PF, Dolnikowski GG, Court MH, Greenblatt DJ. 논문명 : Effect of blueberry juice on clearance of buspirone and flurbiprofen in human volunteers. 2013
7940 T-17-4737 저자명 : Rodriguez-Mateos A, Ishisaka A, Mawatari K, Vidal-Diez A, Spencer JP, Terao J. 논문명 : Blueberry intervention improves vascular reactivity and lowers blood pressure in high-fat-, high-cholesterol-fed rats. 2013
7939 T-17-4736 저자명 : Shukitt-Hale B, Lau FC, Cheng V, Luskin K, Carey AN, Carrihill-Knoll K, Rabin BM, Joseph JA. 논문명 : Changes in gene expression in the rat hippocampus following exposure to 56Fe particles and protection by berry diets. 2013
7938 T-17-4734 저자명 : Rahal OM, Pabona JM, Kelly T, Huang Y, Hennings LJ, Prior RL, Al-Dwairi A, Simmen FA, Simmen RC. 논문명 : Suppression of Wnt1-induced mammary tumor growth and lower serum insulin in offspring exposed to maternal blueberry diet suggest early dietary influence on developmental programming. 2013
7937 T-17-4733 저자명 : Horrigan LA, Holohan CA, Lawless GA, Murtagh MA, Williams CT, Webster CM. 논문명 : Blueberry juice causes potent relaxation of rat aortic rings via the activation of potassium channels and the H?괪 pathway. 2013
7936 T-17-4732 저자명 : Roopchand DE, Kuhn P, Rojo LE, Lila MA, Raskin I. 논문명 : Blueberry polyphenol-enriched soybean flour reduces hyperglycemia, body weight gain and serum cholesterol in mice. 2013
7935 T-17-4731 저자명 : Cassidy A, Mukamal KJ, Liu L, Franz M, Eliassen AH, Rimm EB. 논문명 : High anthocyanin intake is associated with a reduced risk of myocardial infarction in young and middle-aged women. 2013