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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8114 T-19-0201 저자명 : N. V. Pinto, B. S. Cavada, L. F. Brito, R. I. Pereira, M. T. da Silva, R. R. Castro, A. de Freitas Pires and A. M. Assreuy 논문명 : Effects of Canavalia lectins on acute inflammation in sensitized and non-sensitized rats 2013
8113 T-19-0183 저자명 : C. C. Lee, S. R. Shen, Y. J. Lai and S. C. Wu 논문명 : Rutin and quercetin, bioactive compounds from tartary buckwheat, prevent liver inflammatory injury 2013
8112 T-19-0177 저자명 : R. Karki, C. H. Park and D. W. Kim 논문명 : Extract of buckwheat sprouts scavenges oxidation and inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages (RAW264.7) 2013
8111 T-19-0167 저자명 : H. Y. Zhang, H. Liu, M. Yang and S. F. Wei 논문명 : Antithrombotic activities of aqueous extract from Gardenia jasminoides and its main constituent 2013
8110 T-19-0140 저자명 : C. J. Ma, A. F. Nie, Z. J. Zhang, Z. G. Zhang, L. Du, X. Y. Li and G. Ning 논문명 : Genipin stimulates glucose transport in C2C12 myotubes via an IRS-1 and calcium-dependent mechanism 2013
8109 T-19-0139 저자명 : H. Liu, Y. F. Chen, F. Li and H. Y. Zhang 논문명 : Fructus Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides J. Ellis) phytochemistry, pharmacology of cardiovascular, and safety with the perspective of new drugs development 2013
8108 T-19-0128 저자명 : F. Ishizuka, M. Shimazawa, N. Umigai, H. Ogishima, S. Nakamura, K. Tsuruma and H. Hara 논문명 : Crocetin, a carotenoid derivative, inhibits retinal ischemic damage in mice 2013
8107 T-19-0122 저자명 : L. Guan, H. Feng, D. Gong, X. Zhao, L. Cai, Q. Wu, B. Yuan, M. Yang, J. Zhao and Y. Zou 논문명 : Genipin ameliorates age-related insulin resistance through inhibiting hepatic oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction 2013
8106 T-19-0110 저자명 : E. Madrigal-Santillan, F. Garcia-Melo, J. A. Morales-Gonzalez, P. Vazquez-Alvarado, S. Munoz-Juarez, C. Zuniga-Perez, M. T. Sumaya-Martinez, E. Madrigal-Bujaidar and A. Hernandez-Ceruelos 논문명 : Antioxidant and anticlastogenic capacity of prickly pear juice 2013
8105 T-19-0108 저자명 : J. A. Lee, B. G. Jung, T. H. Kim, S. G. Lee, Y. S. Park and B. J. Lee 논문명 : Dietary feeding of Opuntia humifusa inhibits UVB radiation-induced carcinogenesis by reducing inflammation and proliferation in hairless mouse model 2013