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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8154 T-19-0730 저자명 : H. M. Lehtonen, A. Lindstedt, R. Jarvinen, J. Sinkkonen, G. Graca, M. Viitanen, H. Kallio and A. M. Gil 논문명 : 1H NMR-based metabolic fingerprinting of urine metabolites after consumption of lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) with a high-fat meal 2013
8153 T-19-0713 저자명 : M. Sonia Angeline, A. Sarkar, K. Anand, R. K. Ambasta and P. Kumar 논문명 : Sesamol and naringenin reverse the effect of rotenone-induced PD rat model 2013
8152 T-19-0705 저자명 : Y. Okada and M. Okada 논문명 : Protective effects of plant seed extracts against amyloid beta-induced neurotoxicity in cultured hippocampal neurons 2013
8151 T-19-0697 저자명 : J. Singh and P. Kakkar 논문명 : Modulation of liver function, antioxidant responses, insulin resistance and glucose transport by Oroxylum indicum stem bark in STZ induced diabetic rats 2013
8150 T-19-0694 저자명 : A. G. Thomas, C. Rojas, C. Tanega, M. Shen, A. Simeonov, M. B. Boxer, D. S. Auld, D. V. Ferraris, T. Tsukamoto and B. S. Slusher 논문명 : Kinetic characterization of ebselen, chelerythrine and apomorphine as glutaminase inhibitors 2013
8149 T-19-0683 저자명 : S. Dutta and D. Bhattacharyya 논문명 : Enzymatic, antimicrobial and toxicity studies of the aqueous extract of Ananas comosus (pineapple) crown leaf 2013
8148 T-19-0643 저자명 : D. Stojkovic, F. S. Reis, L. Barros, J. Glamoclija, A. Ciric, L. J. van Griensven, M. Sokovic and I. C. Ferreira 논문명 : Nutrients and non-nutrients composition and bioactivity of wild and cultivated Coprinus comatus (O.F.Mull.) Pers 2013
8147 T-19-0642 저자명 : Y. H. Yap, N. Tan, S. Fung, A. A. Aziz, C. Tan and S. Ng 논문명 : Nutrient composition, antioxidant properties, and anti-proliferative activity of Lignosus rhinocerus Cooke sclerotium 2013
8146 T-19-0607 저자명 : P. Kalac 논문명 : A review of chemical composition and nutritional value of wild-growing and cultivated mushrooms 2013
8145 T-19-0588 저자명 : M. Jesenak, J. Majtan, Z. Rennerova, J. Kyselovic, P. Banovcin and M. Hrubisko 논문명 : Immunomodulatory effect of pleuran (beta-glucan from Pleurotus ostreatus) in children with recurrent respiratory tract infections 2013