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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8274 T-14-0084 저자명 : Kim M, Kim E, Kwak HS, Jeong Y. 논문명 : The ingredients in Saengshik, a formulated health food, inhibited the activity of 慣-amylase and 慣-glucosidase as anti-diabetic function. 2014
8273 T-14-0083 저자명 : Li C, Ding Q, Nie SP, Zhang YS, Xiong T, Xie MY. 논문명 : Carrot juice fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum NCU116 ameliorates type 2 diabetes in rats. 2014
8272 T-14-0061 저자명 : Wang C, Yang A, Zhang B, Yin Q, Huang H, Chen M, Xie J. 논문명 : PANC-1 pancreatic cancer cell growth inhibited by cucurmosin alone and in combination with an epidermal growth factor receptor-targeted drug. 2014
8271 T-14-0048 저자명 : Zhao XH, Qian L, Yin DL, Zhou Y. 논문명 : Hypolipidemic effect of the polysaccharides extracted from pumpkin by cellulase-assisted method on mice. 2014
8270 T-14-0047 저자명 : Adams GG, Imran S, Wang S, Mohammad A, Kok MS, Gray DA, Channell GA, Harding SE. 논문명 : The hypoglycemic effect of pumpkin seeds, Trigonelline (TRG), Nicotinic acid (NA), and D-Chiro-inositol (DCI) in controlling glycemic levels in diabetes mellitus. 2014
8269 T-14-0046 저자명 : Ristic-Medic D, Perunicic-Pekovic G, Rasic-Milutinovic Z, Takic M, Popovic T, Arsic A, Glibetic M. 논문명 : Effects of dietary milled seed mixture on fatty acid status and inflammatory markers in patients on hemodialysis. 2014
8268 T-14-0045 저자명 : Najgebauer-Lejko D, Grega T, Tabaszewska M. 논문명 : Yoghurts with addition of selected vegetables: acidity, antioxidant properties and sensory quality. 2014
8267 T-14-0043 저자명 : Tomar PP, Nikhil K, Singh A, Selvakumar P, Roy P, Sharma AK. 논문명 : Characterization of anticancer, DNase and antifungal activity of pumpkin 2S albumin. 2014
8266 T-14-0042 저자명 : Prescha A, Grajzer M, Dedyk M, Grajeta H. 논문명 : The Antioxidant Activity and Oxidative Stability of Cold-Pressed Oils. 2014
8265 T-14-0041 저자명 : Shirvan MK, Mahboob MR, Masuminia M, Mohammadi S. 논문명 : Pumpkin seed oil (prostafit) or prazosin? Which one is better in the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. 2014