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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9254 T-19-0712 저자명 : A. K. Tiwari 논문명 : Revisiting "Vegetables" to combat modern epidemic of imbalanced glucose homeostasis 2014
9253 T-19-0709 저자명 : Moehninsi, K. Miura, K. Yamada and H. Shigemori 논문명 : Raphanusanin-mediated resistance to pathogens is light dependent in radish and Arabidopsis thaliana 2014
9252 T-19-0690 저자명 : T. Yamada, M. Wei, T. Toyoda, S. Yamano and H. Wanibuchi 논문명 : Inhibitory effect of Raphanobrassica on Helicobacter pylori-induced gastritis in Mongolian gerbils 2014
9251 T-19-0676 저자명 : A. Lukatkin, I. Egorova, I. Michailova, P. Malec and K. Strzalka 논문명 : Effect of copper on pro- and antioxidative reactions in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) in vitro and in vivo 2014
9250 T-19-0671 저자명 : R. Landstorfer, S. Simon, S. Schober, D. Keim, S. Scherer and K. Neuhaus 논문명 : Comparison of strand-specific transcriptomes of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 (EHEC) under eleven different environmental conditions including radish sprouts and cattle feces 2014
9249 T-19-0659 저자명 : K. H. Kim, E. Moon, S. Y. Kim, S. U. Choi, J. H. Lee and K. R. Lee 논문명 : 4-Methylthio-butanyl derivatives from the seeds of Raphanus sativus and their biological evaluation on anti-inflammatory and antitumor activities 2014
9248 T-19-0652 저자명 : N. Matjuskova, E. Azena, K. Serstnova and I. Muiznieks 논문명 : The influence of the hot water extract from shiitake medicinal mushroom, Lentinus edodes (higher Basidiomycetes) on the food intake, life span, and age-related locomotor activity of Drosophila melanogaster 2014
9247 T-19-0630 저자명 : H. Y. Yap, A. A. Aziz, S. Y. Fung, S. T. Ng, C. S. Tan and N. H. Tan 논문명 : Energy and nutritional composition of Tiger milk mushroom (Lignosus tigris Chon S. Tan) sclerotia and the antioxidant activity of its extracts 2014
9246 T-19-0628 저자명 : M. Uyanoglu, M. Canbek, L. J. van Griensven, M. Yamac, H. Senturk, K. Kartkaya, A. Oglakci, O. Turgak and G. Kanbak 논문명 : Effects of polysaccharide from fruiting bodies of Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus brasiliensis, and Phellinus linteus on alcoholic liver injury 2014
9245 T-19-0625 저자명 : D. Yamanaka, M. Motoi, A. Motoi and N. Ohno 논문명 : Differences in antioxidant activities of outdoor- and indoor-cultivated Agaricus brasiliensis, and protective effects against carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatic injury in mice 2014