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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9194 T-19-0175 저자명 : G. Chitarrini, C. Nobili, F. Pinzari, A. Antonini, P. De Rossi, A. Del Fiore, S. Procacci, V. Tolaini, V. Scala, M. Scarpari and M. Reverberi 논문명 : Buckwheat achenes antioxidant profile modulates Aspergillus flavus growth and aflatoxin production 2014
9193 T-19-0151 저자명 : Y. Y. Sung, A. Y. Lee and H. K. Kim 논문명 : The Gardenia jasminoides extract and its constituent, geniposide, elicit anti-allergic effects on atopic dermatitis by inhibiting histamine in vitro and in vivo 2014
9192 T-19-0150 저자명 : X. Song, W. Zhang, T. Wang, H. Jiang, Z. Zhang, Y. Fu, Z. Yang, Y. Cao and N. Zhang 논문명 : Geniposide plays an anti-inflammatory role via regulating TLR4 and downstream signaling pathways in lipopolysaccharide-induced mastitis in mice 2014
9191 T-19-0147 저자명 : H. H. Qu, Y. Sun, T. T. Wu, G. L. Zhang, J. J. Cheng, X. Q. Wang, H. B. Feng, Y. Zhao and Q. G. Wang 논문명 : Pharmacokinetics of geniposide by monoclonal antibody-based icELISA in mice after oral administration of Huanglian-Jiedu-Tang 2014
9190 T-19-0126 저자명 : S. Higashino, Y. Sasaki, J. C. Giddings, K. Hyodo, S. F. Sakata, K. Matsuda, Y. Horikawa and J. Yamamoto 논문명 : Crocetin, a carotenoid from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, protects against hypertension and cerebral thrombogenesis in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats 2014
9189 T-19-0120 저자명 : L. N. Gao, Y. Zhang, Y. L. Cui and K. Yan 논문명 : Evaluation of genipin on human cytochrome P450 isoenzymes and P-glycoprotein in vitro 2014
9188 T-19-0118 저자명 : M. M. Dai, H. Wu, H. Li, J. Chen, J. Y. Chen, S. L. Hu and C. Shen 논문명 : Effects and mechanisms of Geniposide on rats with adjuvant arthritis 2014
9187 T-19-0116 저자명 : S. Cheng, L. C. Lin, C. H. Lin and T. H. Tsai 논문명 : Comparative oral bioavailability of geniposide following oral administration of geniposide, Gardenia jasminoides Ellis fruits extracts and Gardenia herbal formulation in rats 2014
9186 T-19-0115 저자명 : Y. I. Chen, Y. W. Cheng, C. Y. Tzeng, Y. C. Lee, Y. N. Chang, S. C. Lee, C. C. Tsai, J. C. Chen, J. T. Tzen and S. L. Chang 논문명 : Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor activating hypoglycemic effect of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis aqueous extract and improvement of insulin sensitivity in steroid induced insulin resistant rats 2014
9185 T-19-0106 저자명 : B. S. Ko, H. W. Lee, D. S. Kim, S. Kang, J. A. Ryuk and S. Park 논문명 : Supplementing with Opuntia ficus-indica Mill and Dioscorea nipponica Makino extracts synergistically attenuates menopausal symptoms in estrogen-deficient rats 2014