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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9684 T-17-0250 저자명 : Oh TW, Park KH, Jung HW, Park YK. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effect of the hairy root extract of Angelica gigas NAKAI on transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats through the regulation of angiogenesis. 2015
9683 T-17-0249 저자명 : Tang SN, Zhang J, Wu W, Jiang P, Puppala M, Zhang Y, Xing C, Kim SH, Jiang C, L체 J. 논문명 : Chemopreventive Effects of Korean Angelica versus Its Major Pyranocoumarins on Two Lineages of Transgenic Adenocarcinoma of Mouse Prostate Carcinogenesis. 2015
9682 T-17-0248 저자명 : Lee K, Shin MS, Ham I, Choi HY. 논문명 : Investigation of the mechanisms of Angelica dahurica root extract-induced vasorelaxation in isolated rat aortic rings. 2015
9681 T-17-0247 저자명 : L체 J, Zhang J, Li L, Jiang C, Xing C. 논문명 : Cancer Chemoprevention with Korean Angelica: Active Compounds, Pharmacokinetics, and Human Translational Considerations. 2015
9680 T-17-0230 저자명 : Lee CH, Park JH, Cho JH, Kim IH, Ahn JH, Lee JC, Chen BH, Shin BN, Tae HJ, Bae EJ, Kang IJ, Won MH, Kim JD. 논문명 : Effect of Oenanthe Javanica Extract on Antioxidant Enzyme in the Rat Liver. 2015
9679 T-17-0218 저자명 : Choi YS, Lee KH, Jeong YH, Koba K, Sugano M. 논문명 : Effects of Aster scaber Seed Oil Containing trans-?3 Fatty Acids on Lipid Profiles of Hamsters and Rats. 2015
9678 T-17-0209 저자명 : Wu T, Xu B. 논문명 : Antidiabetic and antioxidant activities of eight medicinal mushroom species from China. 2015
9677 T-17-0208 저자명 : Han CK, Chiang HC, Lin CY, Tang CH, Lee H, Huang DD, Zeng YR, Chuang TN, Huang YL. 논문명 : Comparison of Immunomodulatory and Anticancer Activities in Different Strains of Tremella fuciformis Berk. 2015
9676 T-17-0179 저자명 : Chang YC, Hsiao YM, Hung SC, Chen YW, Ou CC, Chang WT, Lue KH, Ko JL. 논문명 : Alleviation of Dermatophagoides microceras-induced allergy by an immunomodulatory protein, FIP-fve, from Flammulina velutipes in mice. 2015
9675 T-17-0177 저자명 : Ma Z, Cui F, Gao X, Zhang J, Zheng L, Jia L. 논문명 : Purification, characterization, antioxidant activity and anti-aging of exopolysaccharides by Flammulina velutipes SF-06. 2015