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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9764 T-17-1019 저자명 : Chen YF, Zhu Q, Wu S. 논문명 : Preparation of oligosaccharides from Chinese yam and their antioxidant activity. 2015
9763 T-17-1016 저자명 : Kang KS, Heo ST. 논문명 : A case of life-threatening acute kidney injury with toxic encephalopathy caused by Dioscorea quinqueloba. 2015
9762 T-17-1013 저자명 : Gil HW, Lee EY, Lee JH, Kim YS, Lee BE, Suk JW, Song HY. 논문명 : Dioscorea batatas extract attenuates high-fat diet-induced obesity in mice by decreasing expression of inflammatory cytokines. 2015
9761 T-17-1012 저자명 : Au SC, Tang SM, Rong SS, Chen LJ, Yam JC. 논문명 : Association between hyperglycemia and retinopathy of prematurity: a systemic review and meta-analysis. 2015
9760 T-17-1011 저자명 : Wang Y, Yan T, Ma L, Liu B. 논문명 : Effects of the total saponins from Dioscorea nipponica on immunoregulation in aplastic anemia mice. 2015
9759 T-17-1010 저자명 : Rozeno Pessoa L, R챗go Tde S, Asht Lda S, Monteiro IC, Fortunato RS, Feij처 MB, Correia-Santos AM, da Costa CA, Boaventura GT. 논문명 : Serum and liver lipids distributions in streptozotocin induced diabetic rat treated with diet containing yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) flour. 2015
9758 T-17-1009 저자명 : Fan Y, He Q, Luo A, Wang M, Luo A. 논문명 : Characterization and antihyperglycemic activity of a polysaccharide from Dioscorea opposita Thunb roots. 2015
9757 T-17-1007 저자명 : Shan HL, Shan RP, Fu XC. 논문명 : [Hypouricemic effect of ethanol extracts from Dioscoreae Nipponicae Rhizoma]. 2015
9756 T-17-1006 저자명 : Xie YL, Fan M, Jiang RM, Wang ZL, Li Y. 논문명 : Deltonin induced both apoptosis and autophagy in head and neck squamous carcinoma FaDu cell. 2015
9755 T-17-1005 저자명 : Lee YR, Hong BN, Her YR, Casta챰eda R, Moon HW, Kang TH. 논문명 : Amelioration of Auditory Response by DA9801 in Diabetic Mouse. 2015