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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10634 T-17-1379 저자명 : Carriker CR, Mermier CM, Van Dusseldorp TA, Johnson KE, Beltz NM, Vaughan RA, McCormick JJ, Cole NH, Witt CC, Gibson AL. 논문명 : Effect of Acute Dietary Nitrate Consumption on Oxygen Consumption During Submaximal Exercise in Hypobaric Hypoxia. 2016
10633 T-17-1378 저자명 : Betteridge S, Besc처s R, Martorell M, Pons A, Garnham AP, Stathis CC, McConell GK. 논문명 : No effect of acute beetroot juice ingestion on oxygen consumption, glucose kinetics, or skeletal muscle metabolism during submaximal exercise in males. 2016
10632 T-17-1377 저자명 : Bai찾o Ddos S, Conte-Junior CA, Paschoalin VM, Alvares TS. 논문명 : Beetroot juice increase nitric oxide metabolites in both men and women regardless of body mass. 2016
10631 T-17-1374 저자명 : Silva DV, Silva Fde O, Perrone D, Pierucci AP, Conte-Junior CA, Alvares Tda S, Aguila EM, Paschoalin VM. 논문명 : Physicochemical, nutritional, and sensory analyses of a nitrate-enriched beetroot gel and its effects on plasmatic nitric oxide and blood pressure. 2016
10630 T-17-1372 저자명 : Eggebeen J, Kim-Shapiro DB, Haykowsky M, Morgan TM, Basu S, Brubaker P, Rejeski J, Kitzman DW. 논문명 : One Week of Daily Dosing With Beetroot혻Juice Improves Submaximal Endurance and Blood혻Pressure in Older혻Patients With Heart혻Failure and혻Preserved Ejection혻Fraction. 2016
10629 T-17-1369 저자명 : Flueck JL, Bogdanova A, Mettler S, Perret C. 논문명 : Is beetroot juice more effective than sodium nitrate? The effects of equimolar nitrate dosages of nitrate-rich beetroot juice and sodium nitrate on oxygen consumption during exercise. 2016
10628 T-17-1368 저자명 : Patrician A, Schagatay E. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate enhances arterial oxygen saturation after dynamic apnea. 2016
10627 T-17-1367 저자명 : Pironti G, Ivarsson N, Yang J, Farinotti AB, Jonsson W, Zhang SJ, Bas D, Svensson CI, Westerblad H, Weitzberg E, Lundberg JO, Pernow J, Lanner J, Andersson DC. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate improves cardiac contractility via enhanced cellular Ca짼??signaling. 2016
10626 T-17-1366 저자명 : Jonvik KL, Nyakayiru J, Pinckaers PJ, Senden JM, van Loon LJ, Verdijk LB. 논문명 : Nitrate-Rich Vegetables Increase Plasma Nitrate and Nitrite Concentrations and Lower Blood Pressure in Healthy Adults. 2016
10625 T-17-1365 저자명 : d'El-Rei J, Cunha AR, Trindade M, Neves MF. 논문명 : Beneficial Effects of Dietary Nitrate on Endothelial Function and Blood Pressure Levels. 2016