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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10714 T-17-1986 저자명 : Ramos-Torres 횁, Bort A, Morell C, Rodr챠guez-Henche N, D챠az-Laviada I. 논문명 : The pepper's natural ingredient capsaicin induces autophagy blockage in prostate cancer cells. 2016
10713 T-17-1983 저자명 : Patcharatrakul T, Gonlachanvit S. 논문명 : Chili Peppers, Curcumins, and Prebiotics in Gastrointestinal Health and Disease. 2016
10712 T-17-1982 저자명 : Dougnon TJ, Gbeassor M. 논문명 : Evaluation of the effects of the powder of Capsicum frutescens on glycemia in growing rabbits. 2016
10711 T-17-1981 저자명 : Deshpande J, Jeyakodi S, Juturu V. 논문명 : Tolerability of Capsaicinoids from Capsicum Extract in a Beadlet Form: A Pilot Study. 2016
10710 T-17-1980 저자명 : Kim JS, Lee WM, Rhee HC, Kim S. 논문명 : Red paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) and its main carotenoids, capsanthin and 棺-carotene, prevent hydrogen peroxide-induced inhibition of gap-junction intercellular communication. 2016
10709 T-17-1979 저자명 : Feyh A, Bracero L, Lakhani HV, Santhanam P, Shapiro JI, Khitan Z, Sodhi K. 논문명 : Role of Dietary Components in Modulating Hypertension. 2016
10708 T-17-1978 저자명 : Sarwa KK, Mazumder B, Suresh PK, Kaur CD. 논문명 : Topical Analgesic Nanolipid Vesicles Formulation of Capsaicinoids Extract of Bhut Jolokia (Capsicum chinense Jacq): Pharmacodynamic Evaluation in Rat Models and Acceptability studies in Human Volunteers. 2016
10707 T-17-1977 저자명 : Baas-Espinola FM, Castro-Concha LA, V찼zquez-Flota FA, Miranda-Ham ML. 논문명 : Capsaicin Synthesis Requires in Situ Phenylalanine and Valine Formation in in Vitro Maintained Placentas from Capsicum chinense. 2016
10706 T-17-1976 저자명 : Shin YH, Kim JM, Park K. 논문명 : The Effect of Capsaicin on Salivary Gland Dysfunction. 2016
10705 T-17-1975 저자명 : Marrelli M, Menichini F, Conforti F. 논문명 : Hypolipidemic and Antioxidant Properties of Hot Pepper Flower (Capsicum annuum L.). 2016