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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10754 T-17-2686 저자명 : Cho YH, Lee SY, Kim CM, Kim ND, Choe S, Lee CH, Shin JH. 논문명 : Effect of Loquat Leaf Extract on Muscle Strength, Muscle Mass, and Muscle Function in Healthy Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, and Placebo-Controlled Trial. 2016
10753 T-17-2605 저자명 : Bipat R, Toelsie JR, Magali I, Soekhoe R, Stender K, Wangsawirana A, Oedairadjsingh K, Pawirodihardjo J, Mans DR. 논문명 : Beneficial effect of medicinal plants on the contractility of post-hypoxic isolated guinea pig atria - Potential implications for the treatment of ischemic-reperfusion injury. 2016
10752 T-17-2604 저자명 : Wu L, Wang X, Liu Q, Wingnang Leung A, Wang P, Xu C. 논문명 : Sinoporphyrin sodium mediated photodynamic therapy inhibits the migration associated with collapse of F-actin filaments cytoskeleton in MDA-MB-231 cells. 2016
10751 T-17-2603 저자명 : Ashraf A, Sarfraz RA, Rashid MA, Mahmood A, Shahid M, Noor N. 논문명 : Chemical composition, antioxidant, antitumor, anticancer and cytotoxic effects of Psidium guajava leaf extracts. 2016
10750 T-17-2602 저자명 : Giovannini P, Howes MJ, Edwards SE. 논문명 : Medicinal plants used in the traditional management of diabetes and its sequelae in Central America: A review. 2016
10749 T-17-2601 저자명 : Lin CF, Kuo YT, Chen TY, Chien CT. 논문명 : Quercetin-Rich Guava (Psidium guajava) Juice in Combination with Trehalose Reduces Autophagy, Apoptosis and Pyroptosis Formation in the Kidney and Pancreas of Type II Diabetic Rats. 2016
10748 T-17-2599 저자명 : Irondi EA, Agboola SO, Oboh G, Boligon AA, Athayde ML, Shode FO. 논문명 : Guava leaves polyphenolics-rich extract inhibits vital enzymes implicated in gout and hypertension in vitro. 2016
10747 T-17-2598 저자명 : Rasheed HM, Khan T, Wahid F, Khan R, Shah AJ. 논문명 : Chemical composition and vascular and intestinal smooth muscle relaxant effects of the essential oil from Psidium guajava fruit. 2016
10746 T-17-2597 저자명 : Soman S, Rajamanickam C, Rauf AA, Madambath I. 논문명 : Molecular mechanisms of the antiglycative and cardioprotective activities of Psidium guajava leaves in the rat diabetic myocardium. 2016
10745 T-17-2596 저자명 : Thaptimthong T, Kasemsuk T, Sibmooh N, Unchern S. 논문명 : Platelet inhibitory effects of juices from Pachyrhizus erosus L. root and Psidium guajava L. fruit: a randomized controlled trial in healthy volunteers. 2016