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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
954 T-17-0451 저자명 : Davis CD, Zeng H, Finley JW. 논문명 : Selenium-enriched broccoli decreases intestinal tumorigenesis in multiple intestinal neoplasia mice. 2002
953 T-17-0450 저자명 : Fahey JW, Haristoy X, Dolan PM, Kensler TW, Scholtus I, Stephenson KK, Talalay P, Lozniewski A. 논문명 : Sulforaphane inhibits extracellular, intracellular, and antibiotic-resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori and prevents benzo[a]pyrene-induced stomach tumors. 2002
952 T-17-0449 저자명 : Chu YF, Sun J, Wu X, Liu RH. 논문명 : Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of common vegetables. 2002
951 T-17-0215 저자명 : Cheng HH, Hou WC, Lu ML. 논문명 : Interactions of lipid metabolism and intestinal physiology with Tremella fuciformis Berk edible mushroom in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet with or without Nebacitin. 2002
950 T-17-0039 저자명 : Iskander MN, Song Y, Coupar IM, Jiratchariyakul W. 논문명 : Antiinflammatory screening of the medicinal plant Gynura procumbens. 2002
949 T-17-0008 저자명 : Han S, Sung KH, Yim D, Lee S, Lee CK, Ha NJ, Kim K. 논문명 : The effect of linarin on LPS-induced cytokine production and nitric oxide inhibition in murine macrophages cell line RAW264.7. 2002
948 T-14-1480 저자명 : Lee KD, Yang MS, Ha TJ, Park KM, Park KH. 논문명 : Isolation and identification of dihydrochrysanolide and its 1-epimer from Chrysanthemum coronarium L. 2002
947 T-14-1451 저자명 : Aharoni A, Keizer LC, Van Den Broeck HC, Blanco-Portales R, Mu챰oz-Blanco J, Bois G, Smit P, De Vos RC, O'Connell AP. 논문명 : Novel insight into vascular, stress, and auxin-dependent and -independent gene expression programs in strawberry, a non-climacteric fruit. 2002
946 T-14-1202 저자명 : Wang Y, Wang W, Li N, Yu Y, Cao X. 논문명 : Activation of antigen-presenting cells by immunostimulatory plant DNA: a natural resource for potential adjuvant. 2002
945 T-14-1049 저자명 : Sancho R, Lucena C, Macho A, Calzado MA, Blanco-Molina M, Minassi A, Appendino G, Mu챰oz E. 논문명 : Immunosuppressive activity of capsaicinoids: capsiate derived from sweet peppers inhibits NF-kappaB activation and is a potent antiinflammatory compound in vivo. 2002